
Tools 4 School Clothing Vouchers

2024 Voucher Application Window Closed

The 2024 Yaqui Education Services Clothing Voucher Program will open for applications from May 20, 2024 to August 31, 2024. The program is open to all Kindergarten through 12th-grade students. Students must be registered members with the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and Arizona residents. Please see the Eligibility Requirements and Application Link below. 
Eligibility Requirements: 
        1. PYT Education Department Release of Information (ROI) signed for each student.
        2. Proof of 2024-2025 school enrollment for each K-12 student, within the state of Arizona. 
        3. Proof of PYT Tribal Enrollment for each student. 
        4. Completed W-9 form by Parent/Legal Guardian. Please be sure to attach the required W9. Not doing so will delay the processing of your request.
        5. Proof of Income for the past 90 days or a W2 from the 2024 tax year. Eligibility is based on the median household income for your family size. 
        6. Itemized receipts accounting for 90% of funds issued in 2023 program year.

Receipts ARE required to be eligible.  Clients are responsible for holding onto and maintaining their own records of receipts.  It is the client’s sole responsibility, not the education staff, to keep a record of their receipts.