Eligibility Requirements
- Pascua Yaqui Tribal Member
- Enrolled in a K-12th Grade School
- Signed Release of Information Form
- Resident of the State of Arizona
Program Services
Financial Assistance:
Financial Assistance is provided to eligible K-12 students in multiple areas of service. It is the policy of the department that financial assistance be paid directly to vendors providing school-related services. We do not provide reimbursements to individuals and will issue checks and ACH payments directly to schools only. For that reason, it is important that you reach out to Yaqui Education Services as soon as you are aware that assistance is needed. We will issue an award letter to the providing institution to inform them of the pending assistance to be issued.
The list of services below is not comprehensive. In addition, many of these services are only available on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds are not guaranteed and these services are not an entitlement. Financial assistance is intended to be supplemental and not an anticipated primary source of funding for families. As such, not all who inquire may be funded.
- Academic Participation Fees
- Sports & Extracurricular Fees
- Credit Recovery & Advancement Courses
- Graduation Cap and Gown
- Public Transportation Passes
- Special Request
Education and Advocacy:
- Home/School Liaison
- Truancy Intervention
- School and Home Visits
- Family and student academic and behavioral goal setting
- Intersession programming (ex: Spring Break, Winter Break)
- Engagement and enrichment opportunities (ex: Family First Friday, Parent Task Force)
Student/Parent Services:
- Supportive Service Referrals
- Homework help
- Clothing Vouchers (periodic, not ongoing)
- Backpack & School Supply Assistance (period, not ongoing)
Note: Services are based on the availability of Tribal Funds. Further Program requirements may be requested.