
Certificates Degree of Indian Blood “CDIB”

Issuance of Certificates Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)

The following procedures and rules apply when requesting and issuing a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood “CDIB” to Pascua Yaqui tribal members, tribal departments, programs, and outside agencies:

The Enrollment Department shall, as appropriate, research, interview the tribal member, parent(s), sponsor(s) or legal guardian(s) making the CDIB request to verify and confirm the tribal member’s identity and membership status.

  • (A) A CDIB request from a tribal member may be made in person, email, or by telephone. The member’s information and identity must be verified and confirmed before issuing a CDIB.

  • (B) A CDIB request from a parent(s), sponsor(s) or legal guardian(s) on behalf of a minor tribal member requires:
    1. Proof of Parentage; reference the minor’s membership record and birth documents to confirm parentage.
    2. Proof of Sponsorship; screen and interview the sponsor asking them the purpose of their request and whether any documents exist explaining the matter of sponsorship to determine the release of the CDIB.
    3. Proof of Legal Guardianship; screen and interview the legal guardian asking them the purpose of their request, and for any legal documents that may exist explaining the matter of guardianship to determine the release of the CDIB. In the event that the required documents or information is not available to approve the release of the minor’s CDIB, the enrollment staff shall inform the parent(s), sponsor(s) or legal guardian(s) that the CDIB may be released upon receipt of an official request directly from the tribal department, program or outside agency to determine qualification of benefits and services.
  • (C) A CDIB or enrollment status request from an outside agency shall be submitted in writing addressed to the Enrollment Department providing the necessary vital information. In addition, requesting from the outside agency a signed release of information to release the CDIB.

  • (D) A CDIB or enrollment status request from internal tribal departments or programs may be submitted on their own form or in writing addressed to the Enrollment Department providing the necessary vital information. No release of information is necessary, given that the release was obtained at the time of application for membership.

  • (E) A CDIB can be faxed or emailed in urgent cases; such as for burial assistance and medical services

For questions or assistance contact the Enrollment Department (520) 879-6242.