Healing to Wellness
Did you know that the Pascua Yaqui Public Defender’s Office participates in the Healing to Wellness Court program? This remarkable program has been recognized by other tribes as a model program. It helps qualifying community members who are charged with crimes to achieve a sober and healthy lifestyle that can improve their lives, as well as the lives of their families and community for years. The program currently has about 16 participants who are in the process of gaining coping skills, becoming sober and ultimately getting their criminal cases dismissed. Many participants enjoy the classes and social connections they have made so much that they continue to attend classes even after their program is completed and their cases are dismissed. To learn more about Healing to Wellness and to see if you qualify, call our main line at (520) 883-5013.
Southern Arizona Legal Begin Again Expungement Project
This project is comprised of three attorneys dedicated to marijuana expungement work and the work of incarceration re-entry. Contact can be made at (520) 623-9465 ext. 4420 and Expunge@sazlegalaid.org
Arizona Expungement Coalition Flyer
Azexpunge.org is another organization helping with marijuana conviction expungements throughout Arizona.
Pima County Legal Clinic
Pima County Public Defense Services holds a free walk-in legal clinic every Wednesday. The clinic provides services and/or information about: civil rights restoration; misdemeanor designation of felony convictions; quashing warrants; referrals to lower courts; community services; and constitutional rights. The clinic is open to the public and individuals are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis. The clinic is held at the Pima County Public Defender’s Office, 33 N. Stone, 21st floor, every Wednesday from 9AM to noon and 1PM to 4PM. For more information about the clinic and the services that are—and are not—provided, please call (520) 724-2285.
Warrant Court
Warrant Resolution Night Court for Pima County and Tucson City Court Cases!
Location: 240 North Stone Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85701
For more information: (520) 724-3171
Resolve Outstanding Warrants and Warrant Resolution
Available Services: Reinstate your driver’s license; schedule a new court date; quash your warrant; create a payment plan.
Other Resources
Restore Your Rights Click Here