Letter H Yaqui Dictionary


hi~- pref. used to derive intransitive verbs from transitive verbs (< hita, something; many examples
ha’abwai n. things stood up (pl.; sg. kecha’i)
ha’abwek iv. standing up (pl.; sg. weyek; pst. ~an; hap-, haha’abwe); cf. hapte
ha’achihte iv. sneeze (rdp. ha’achihchihte); Senu ~ka huni mukne. One can even die from sneezing.
ha’achihtia n. a flower supposed to cause sneezing
ha’amu iv. climb up (~-, hahha’amu)
ha’amuria iv. increase
ha’ani adv. maybe (var. hani); Avo si’ime ~. I wonder if s/he is coming over. Manwetau nattemai haisa
uka vachita vansuk ~. Ask Manuel if he already irrigated the fields.
haaka n. grandmother (paternal), aunt (paternal)
~ watte iv. cough up phlegm
haakam n. mucus, phlegm
haal n. hall (passage)
haamola adv. in bits and pieces (with aayu)
háana adv. in some way, some way or other, improperly; Pisam vétuku ~ nau anne. They’re going to do
something under the blanket (i.e., have sex).
~ aane iv. 1. clown around, act odd 2. misbehave
~ hiuwa tv. insult, tease with bad intent (-, hihiuwa; cf. hunniawa)
~ maachi iv. stuck up, snobby
háania iv. make no sense (háaniu-, háana hihia)
Haapat adj. Apache
haareki adv. 1. over and over 2. one on top of the other
haate iv. gamble, bet, wager (~-, haha’ate)
haavi n. uncle (mother’s oldest brother)
haawa n. vapor, steam
hachihte iv. sneezing (hachihti-, hachihchihte); Ne havachitivae su ne vevak. As I was about to sneeze,
someone hit me.
hachin adv. somehow, someway
~ aane iv. behave oddly
~ huni’i adv. somehow, any old way; whatever; Aapo hachin huni a ya’ane. S/he will do whatever it
~ maachi iv. be someway, unusual
~ ian teak? What is her/his name?
hachini adv. how?
haha’abwa tv. stand them up (~-, no rdp.)
hahame tv. catch up (haham-, hahhame)
hahase tv. 1. chase, pursue 2. follow a road (~-, haha-, hahhase)
tu’i voo’ota ~ exp. follow the good road (lead a good life)
hahateme n. gambler
hahau tv. pick up with hand (pl. obj; sg. tovokta; ~-, hahhau)
haiki adv. how many
haikimsia adv. what time is it?
hain adv. even though
~ huni conj. even though; Aapo ~ ko’okoeka huni aman siika. Even though he was sick, he went anyway.
haisa 1. conj. question marker (may occur with the clitic =su) 2. pn. what (in subordinate clauses) 3. adv.
how; ~m hoovae? What do you want with them? ~ ne hoovae? What did you want me for? Ne o’outa
weiya ~ kaita tekil ae vetchi’ivo? I have a man here; do you have any work for him? ~ u yoeme hamutta
vitchu? Is the man looking at the woman? ~ chuu’u voe? Is a dog barking? Emesu ~ aane — kave
ko’okoe? Is everyone well at your house? Ne ka hu’unea ~ em hiapo. I don’t know what you said. Empo
hu’unea ~ em hiakapo? Do you know what you said? Luisa ~ au ine’a? How’s Louise feeling? Manwetau
nattemai ~ uka vachita vansuk ha’ani. Ask Manuel if he already irrigated the fields.
~ a machiaka’apo n. form, shape
~ machi tehwa tv. describe
haisaka(i) adv. why
haisamaisi adv. how well
haisaula exp. what’s wrong?
haiseakai exp. what are you thinking?
haisempane exp. how are you?
haisempaula exp. what’s wrong
haisempea exp. how are you feeling? (in terms of emotions; < haisa empo ea); cf. haisempo emo ine’a
haisempia exp. what did you say?
haisempo emo ine’a exp. how are you feeling? (health); cf. haisempea
haisem toko exp. so what (it’s none of your business)
haisia’ani adv. why not?
haisintoko exp. so what? (it’s none of your business)
haita tv. despise, be disgusted by
haitauhoa tv. make dirty
haitaula iv. be messy
haitauya’ala iv. dirty, soil self
haiti adv. undesirable, messy, dirty, annoying
~ aane iv. 1. be undesirable 2. mess around 3. fussy, pesty; Uma miisim into ume totoim si haiti ama
a’ane. The cats and chickens sometimes mess around in there.
~ chae iv. bark (syn. chu chae, voe)
~ eetua tv. bother, annoy
~ maachi iv. be dirty, filthy, impure
haiti(m) n. mess; Ume into bwan hunulevevena ~ a’ane. They are like that, they make too much of a
mess. Haitim hia! You guys are making too much noise!
haitia n., iv. 1. n. noise, racket (syn. haitiuwame) 2. iv. talking bad (haitiu-, haiti hihia)
haitiachi adj. bothersome, disgusting
haitiachisi maachi iv. bothersome, annoying
haitiu- comb. of haitia, talking bad
haitiuwame n. noise
haitivetchi adj. awfully big
haitowikti adv. snapping a bow (s.)
haituya’ala iv. be dirty, soil one’s self; Ili uusi ~. The baby soiled itself.
haituwikti adv. snapping
haiva n. crab
haiveleki adv. same amount
haivetchi adv. how big?
haivinuri adj. bought (< haivu hinuri; pst. ~tukan); Ume na’asom ~tukan. The oranges were already
haivu adv. already, still (syn. tevei); Apo ~ koche. She’s already asleep. Uusim, ~ kokot oora. Children, it’s
time for bed.
~ humak adv. about, more or less; Haivu humak mamni meecha ama vivitwakai. It was seen about five
months ago.
haiwa tv. look for, search (var. hariwa; hariu-, hahariwa); wooki ~, tv. track; Haisa a hita bwa’amta
hariune? What kind of food are you looking for?
hak adv. somewhere (resp.)
~ huni adv. anywhere; Hakhuni yesa’e. Sit anywhere (sg.) Hakhuni hoye’em. Sit anywhere (pl.)
~ huni kikkivakenme n. busybody (someone who gets involved or interferes; lit. one who enters
hakala n. grandchild (son’s child; fem.)
hakia n. arroyo, wash
hakku’uvotana adv. from any which way
haksa adv. where
haksaweka(i) adv. eventually; ~ véa u voo’o im wam vo’otene. Eventually the road will be made through
haksiani adv. where now?
hakta tv. inhale (~-, hakhakta)
hakta’apo adv. days ago, for days; A: Maria su? B: Nu chea ~ muksuk. A: Where is Mary? B: She has been
dead for days.
haku’u pn. where? (resp.); A: Tomi ama karipo ayuk. B: ~? A: The money’s in the house. b: Where?
haku’uvo adv. from where
haku’uvotana adv. from which side
hakuni adv. where, anywhere (cf. hauvicha); A: Maala siika. B: ~? A: Tusonewi. : Mother went out. B:
Where to? A: To Tucson.
hakunsa adv. where
hakunsempo siika exp. where are you going?
hakwa’am huni adv. whereever; Empo hakwa’am huni sahak.
hakweeka adv. at some time
hakwo adv. when, at one time; Tusonpo ~ muina katekan. In Tucson, at one time there was a mill.
~ huni’i adv. whenever; Vempo hakwo huni vem e”eak saka’ane. They can go whenever they want.
~ katriam n. people of the past
~ siikame n. what happened in the past
hakwosa adv. in times past (does not occur alone); ~ iat tiempo, in the past (var. ~ iat tiempopo)
halahte iv. gasp for air (halahti-, no rdp.)
hale’emu adv. at some point or other
haleki pn. few (obj. ~ka); Aapo ~k eu teuwane. He’ll say a few things to you.
halekisia adv. little by little, gradually (re: event, not plan; cf. yaa); Ket ~ au hapsakane. We will proceed
(with the event in progress) gradually.
haleppani adv. so long (a length); ~k empo waata? What length do you want?
haliwaka iv. look for tracks (s.; = hariwa)
halla’i n. friend; ~ bwise, make friends
hamhamti adv. falling and breaking
hamta tv. break (brittle things, but not wooden; ~-, hamhamta); cf. kotta
hamte iv. break (brittle things; hamti-, hamhamte)
hamti(a) adj. broken (var. hamtila)
hamtila adj. 1. broken (var. hamtia) 2. on one’s own; Itom karita ventaanau ~. Our house’s window is
broken. Ventaanam ~. The windows are broken. Piiso ~. The floor is in disrepair.
hamuchia adj. female; bwala ~, female sheep
hamuli n. great grandfather
hamut n. woman
hamutreo n. womanizer
hamyo’ola n. old woman
hana comb. of haana, in some way/improperly; ~ ne vitchu. S/he’s staring at me (oddly, for bad
~ aane iv. be goofing off
~ hiuwa iv. insult, slander (d.o. = au)
hana’aka interj. you bet; You bet, of course, sure; ~ ti hiaka a yopnak. He answered, “you bet!”
hani var. of ha’ani, maybe; U hamut ~ mulatea. They say the woman is sterile. A: Huana ~ ko’okoe tea. B:
Ka tea; lutu’uriapo ko’okoe. A: They say that Jane may be sick. B: It’s so; it truth, she is sick.
hania iv. make no sense, say improper things (< hana + hia; haniu-)
hantiachi adj. 1. dreadful 2. disrespectful 3. promiscuous (cf. hu’i)
Hapa’achi n. Apache
hapchi n. 1. father (fem.) 2. title of respect used by a woman to a man (his reply is maala)
hapsaka iv. 1. float 2. stand on something that is moving (pl.; sg. siksime)
hapte iv. stand up (pl.; sg. kikte; ~-, hahapte); cf. ha’abwek
harahte iv. crack (skin; harahti-)
harekisia adv. over and over again (var. hareki, harekisi)
hariu- comb. of haiwa and hariwa, look for
hariwa tv. look for (var. haiwa; hariu-, hahariwa)
haroroti(a) adv. making a dragging sound
~ weama iv. drag one’s feet
hasohte iv. breathe hard (hasohti-, hahasohte)
hateka interj. let me see
hato’i n. bow guard
hatteiya iv. fearless
ka yee ~ tv. be fearless
kaveta ~ tv. fear no one
haula n. cage
hausa adv. which way; Huan ~ vicha siika? Which way did John go?
hauvicha adv. where to? (cf. hakuni); A: Maala siika. B: ~? A: Mother went out. B: To where?
hava interj. go ahead
have pn. who (obj. haveta, poss. haveeta; cf. havee, senu); ~ huni’i, pn. anyone, whoever; ~ aman
weyek? Who was that walking over there? ~ sakvaita bwa’aka? Who ate the watermelon? Empo ~ta
vitchu? Who are you looking at? Aapo ~ta tomita miika? Who did s/he give the money to? ~ huni waka
uhbwanta in mampo yechane. Anyone could put a sacred request in your hands. Ne hu’uneak ~sa ama
tekipanoa. I found out who works there.
havee interj. who? (resp.)
haveeta pn. poss. of have, who; A: ~ kari? B: A kariwa. A: Whose house is this? B: Her/his house. A: ~
laapisim? B: In paapisim. A: Whose pencils are these? B: They’re my pencils.
havele iv. be snobby (haveli-, no rdp.)
havesaka adv. about to, on the verge of
haveta pn. which one?
havetuk(o) conj.,adv. 1. conj. if 2. adv. almost time for
havohti adv. thudding (var. havohavoti)
hávoi tv. miss out on food (pl. obj.; ~-, no rdp.)
havói n. grandfather (paternal)
havoli n. grandchild (son’s child; var. havori; masc., aff.)
havorai n. daughter-in-law
hawa’i n. co-in-law (persons who are both in-laws to the same family)
hawassate iv. steam
he’e tv. drink (pst. he’eka, hi’i-, hehe’e); Aapo hiva yu vino hehe’e. He’s always drinking wine. Chikti
ketwo ne kafeta hehe’e. I always drink coffee in the morning. Tuuka ne kafeeta ~ka. Last night I drank
he’okte iv. have the hiccups (pst. ~n, he’okti-, hehe’okte)
he’oktiam n. hiccups
hechihtia tv. scratch (pst. ~k, no other tenses usual)
heeka n. 1. air, wind 2. dawn wind (s.); iv. blow
~ lu’ute iv. suffocate
heeko n. desert broom (Baccharis sarothroides), a common desert shrub
~ nawia n. burro bush, a slender shrub with sticky resin in twigs (Hymenocla monogyra)
heela adv. 1. close, near 2. nearly
au hela, closeby/near her, him or it; U kava’i au hela weye. The horse is walking close to him. Neu hela
rukte’e. Move closer to me.
avo ~, not far away
~ ansime iv. approaching (with au)
~ ho’akame n. neighbor (syn. vesiino)
ito ~ ansime, approaching us
heelai adv. slightly; awi ~, slightly fat; cho’oko ~, slightly salty; ochoko ~, slightly greasy; wakila ~, slightly
heemam n. liver
heewi interj. yes; A: Haisa yuke? B: ~, yuke. A: Is it raining? B: Yes, it’s raining.
heewi’ibwan interj. why, yes indeed; A: Empo voodau siime? B: ~. A: Are you going to the wedding? B:
Of course.
heewima interj. yes, then
heitu interj. I don’t know; A: Aapo haisa tua eene? B: ~. A: What will s/he be thinking/feeling? B: I don’t
know. A: Senu hamut bwan enchi nattemai. B: Havesu? A: ~. A: A woman is asking for you. B: Who is it?
A: I don’t know.
heka’ula adj. have a nervous tick (pst. ~tukan, fut. heka’une)
hekam n. canopy
hekka n. 1. shade 2. ramada (syn. rama) 3. shadow
heloko adj. gelatinous
hemaha’achim n. lungs
henom n. shoulder; ~mpa ne wante. My shoulder hurts. ~ mechi, on the shoulder
heohomte iv. be dusk, twilight; ~o kiímuk uume uusim. The children went in at dusk.
heohomteo adv. in the evening, at dusk
heohtek iv. have scar tissue, get a boil from a burn (cf. vooyo)
heoko kuta n. globe mallow (Sphaeralcea sp.; syn. ochoko kuta)
heoko vachi n. large-eared corn
hoeta tv. wipe self (~-, heoheota)
hepa interj. hey (attention getter)
hepela adv. side by side
hepelam(su) adv. in a row; Aapo ume voteam hepelam am ha’abwak. He stood the bottles in a row.
hero’ochia n. phlegm
heseim n. brown tepary beans (see se’elaim)
Hesu Krihto n. Jesus Christ
hewi ptc. (forms tag question); Aapo Hiaki, ~? Sh/e is a Yaqui, isn’t s/he? Empo chuu’uta kopte, ~> You
want the dog, don’t you? Empo si emo uttia, ~? You like yourself, don’t you?
hewite tv. say yes, respond affirmatively (pst. ~k; no other
tenses usual)
hewiteria tv. give permission, permit, let (~-, no rdp.); Ka am ~’e. Don’t give them permission.
hi~- pref. used to derive intransitive verbs from transitive verbs (< hita, something; many examples
hi’i- comb. of he’e, drink
hi’ibwa tv. eating (pl. obj.; ~-, hihi’ibwa)
hi’ibwase iv. go to eat (sg.; pl. hibwavo)
hi’ibwatua tv. 1. spoonfeed, handfeed 2. graze cattle
hi’ibwehe iv. digging (hibwe-, hi’ibwehe)
hi’ibwatua tv. spoonfeed, handfeed
hi’ika tv. sew, mend (hi’ik-, hihi’ika); Aapo pantaloonim ~. She’s sewing the pants.
hi’ikia kova’ala n. pin (sewing)
hi’ikiam n. needle
hi’ikia kovalam n. sewing pins, straight pins
hi’ikri adj. sewn, stitched
hi’ito n. palojito, a tree (Forchammenia watsoni), the fruit of which are baked overnight in an
underground oven
hi’u n. greens (in general); ~ne. will gather wild greens
hi’use iv. go to gather greens (pl. hi’uvo)
hia iv. 1. be sounding, vocalizing 2. be named 3. sound a certain way 4. marker of indirect discourse (hiu-
, hihia; the pst. te’eka and comb. ti’i- are used if ‘sound a certain way’ is intended); U maakina hachin ~.
The machine sounds funny./The machine is making an odd noise. U maakina hachin hian. The machine
was sounding funny. U maakina hachin hiune. The machine will sound funny. U maakina hachin te’eka.
The machine made an odd noise. U maakina hachin ti’ine. The machine will make an odd noise. Ori nen
~? What’s her/his name? Ume kampaanim ~. The bells are ringing. Vempo inen ~ ke in wawai hani
kunavae tea. They say that my cousin is going to get married. Kiihcul aman ~. A cricket is chirping.
hiabwia n. pole for gathering saguaro
Hiak n. comb. of Hiaki, Yaqui
~ chana n. blackbird (large sp.)
~ pahko n. Yoeme religious ceremony
~ vivam n. Yoeme tobacco
~ Vatwe n. Yaqui River
Hiaki n. Yoeme
Hiakim n. Yoeme country; ~meu ne siime. I’m going to the Yaqui country.
hiapsa iv. be alive, survive (hiapsi-); Hohokam im ~n. The Hohokams lived here. Aapo im vinwa ~k. He
lived here a long time.
hiapsek iv. concentrate, have one’s heart in it; Eme aet ~. Your heart is really in it.
hiapsi n., iv. 1. heart, soul, spirit 2. iv. live; vinwa ~, live a long life; Aman weye in ~. There goes the love
of my life.
~ kuakte iv. change (heart, mind)
tu’i ~mak adv. with good heart (with faith, love and devotion)
chikti ~mak adv. wholeheartedly
~ ka luluteme, n. life everlasting
ka tu’i ~mak adv. with a bad heart
hiapsim n. hearts (in cards)
hiapsitua tv. 1. give life to 2. feed someone
hiapsiwame n. life
hiavihmumuke iv. gasp, be short of breathe, suffocate
hiavihte iv. breathe (pst. ~n, hiavihti-)
hiavihtei n. breath
hiavihtetua tv. revive, resuccitate
hiawai n. sound (ex. kusik hiawaik, have a loud sound)
hiawi n. sound, noise, voice
hibwane exp. have something to eat
hibwe- comb. of hi’ibwe, dig
hibwisia n. handle (on ceramics or cooking vessels; syn. nakam, ears)
hicha’abwa iv. patching (~-, hihitcha’abwa)
hichike iv. sweeping (hichik-, hitchike); pisopo ~, sweeping the floor
hichikia n. broom
hichikri adj. swept; Santo tevatpo ~. The main plaza is swept.
hichiwe iv. be shelling corn (hichiu-, hichichiwe)
hichikia n. broom
hichoila tv. lasso, rope (~-, hihichoila)
hichupa iv. completing, fulfilling (vow), harvesting (~-, hitchupa)
hichupak n. crops, harvest
hihha’aria iv. wave hand, fanning (~-, hihihha’aria)
hihikubwa iv. be pointing at (with hand)
hihima’awa’apo n. cemetery (syn. kampo santo, sementeri)
hihinkolame n. runner, racer
hihinume n. buyer
hihiohtame n. writer, author
hihipaksiawa’apo n. laundry (place)
hihittohame n. delivery person, trucker
hihiutua tv. sound, blow to make a sound
hihiwame n. beverage, drink
hiho’ori adj. woven
hihoa tv. weave, knit (~-, hihiho’a)
hihoaleo n. weaver
hihsoa iv. poke, prick (~-, hihihsoa; var. hissoa))
hihsova n. grill
hihsovai n. barbecued meat
hihyokame n. artist
hiikia iv. leak
hiisa n., iv. 1. n. topknot, headdress, helmet mask 2.. iv. sprouting, budding; Maso awam hisane. The
deer’s antlers will unfold (s.).
hiite tv. roll up
hiitewa n. talking, discussion, council
hiitewame n. council, conference
hiiwe tv. 1. check on, look in on 2. sample, taste 3. look out for (hiu-, hihhiwe)
hik comb. of hi’ika, sew
~ maakina n. sewing machine (syn. maakina)
hikachi n. top, apex
hikaiwame n. attention
hikama iv. be packing
hikat adv. on top, high
hikattana on/from the top
hikau adv. at/towards the top (syn. hiakwi; s. hikawa)
~ cha’atula iv. be footloose, carouse, carry on
~ vicha adv. 1. uphill 2. towards north
~ yehtela adv. ahead, advanced in position
mekka ~ adv. way up
hikawa adv. at/towards the top (s.; = hikau)
hikawi at/towards the top (syn. hikau); Chukui Kawi ~ ha’amuk, climbed to the top of Black Mountain;
tolo pakun ~ (s.), up to the blue light outside
hikima tv. put away clothes, pack (hikim-, hihikima)
hikka tv. hear, listen, understand (var. hikkaha; hikkai-, hihikkaha)
hikkaha tv. 1. var. of hikka, hear 2. obey (hikkai-, hihikkaha); A ~k. (S/he) heard it. Ka ~. Don’t listen. Ne
waka chuu’u voemta ~k. I heard the dog that is barking. Ne chuu’uta voemta ~k. I heard the dog barking.
U ili o’ou a ~k. The little boy obeyed him.
hikkubwa iv. point at (at = -u; ~-, hihikkubwa); Aapo mapau iae ~k. S/he pointed at the map.
hiko’a iv. chewing (hiko’o-, hihiko’a)
hiline iv. be cautious, prudent (hilin-, hihiline)
hilinwachi adj. dangerous
hilukiam n. rasper (aff.; var. hirukiam)
hima tv. 1. leave (behind) 2. abandon, desert 3. divorce (himáa-, himma and hihima)
hima’a iv. bury (~-, hihima’a)
hima’ako iv. cut wood (~-, himma’ako)
hima’ari n. 1. neglected, abandoned (place, house, field, village) 2. separated person (marriage, couple)
hima’aripo n. grave site, grave
hima’awa n. burial, funeral
himo’ote tv. leave in another’s care, leave behind intentionally; (~-, hihimo’ote); cf. kopta
himsim n. mustache
himucha iv. be bereaved; cf. muucha
himuchala adj. bereaved
hina tv. hoe, chop weeds (~-, hinna)
hina’atua dv. tell on someone, inform (~-, hihina’atoa)
hinaikia tv. count (~-, hihinaikia)
hinaikiari n. already counted
hinaikiawakame n. sum, total
hinanke n. meeting (of persons or objects)
hinavaka iv. preach (syn. hinavakawamta ya’a)
hinavakawame n. sermon
hine tv. use as a cover (hin-, hinne and hihine)
hinepo tv. uncover, unveil, take cover off of (~-, hinnepo); Aapo a ~k. S/he uncovered it.
hiniam n. shawl
hinilwachisi adv. dangerously; Apo ~ aane. S/he’s living dangerously.
hinko’ola tv. race (~-, hihinko’ola)
hinne’u tv. save (~-, hihinne’u)
hinne’uri adj. rescued, safe, saved
hinneola tv. take over, take control
hinneuwa iv. be saved
hinte iv. be covered up (~-, hihinte)
hintoa tv. cover with (~-, hihintoa)
hinu tv. buy (~-, hihin); Chino tiendapo ~ri. It was bought at the Chinese store. Inepo paanim Mariatau
woi peesopo ~k. I bought the bread from Mary for two dollars. Empo ka yoemta maakinata ~ne? Is it not
that man’s car that you are buying?
hinuri adj. sold
hiohte tv. write about (about = d.o.; ~-, hihiohte); Aapo aet ~k. S/he wrote about her/him.
a teawam~, sign (signature; syn. firmaora, a teawam yecha)
hiohtei n. alphabet, written, writing
hiohteme n. writer; secretary, clerk
hiokoe tv. forgive one, confess (~-, hihiokoe); Apo ameu au hi~. She’s apologizing to them.
au ~ tv. 1. apologize, ask for forgiveness 2. be stingy; Apo au au hiokoe. = 1. He’s asking him for
forgiveness. 2. He’s being stingy to him.
Dios enchi ~ utte’esia exp. Thank you (sg. addressee).
Dios enchim ~ utte’esia exp. Thank you (pl. addressee; var. Dios em chiokoe utte’esia).
ne ~ exp. please, excuse me
ta chuvala ne ~. Pardon me/excuse me.
hiokoewame in: emo ~, n. apology
hiokole tv., n. 1. tv. pity (hiokoli-, hihhiokole) 2. n. compassion, sympathy; A: Tua ne lotte. B: Enchi ne ~.
A: I’m really tired. B: I feel sorry for you.
ian lautipo te enchi ~ exp. our deepest sympathy (addressed to someone in grief; lit. right now we pity
hiokoliwame n. act of compassion
hiokot adv. pitifully
~ a hiawak, put someone down/demean
~ aane iv. be suffering
~ ea iv. feel miserable, be needy
~ hiawa tv. disparage
~ hoa tv. punish one, mistreat one
~ maachi iv. pitiful, painful, pathetic
hiokotwachi adj. pitiful
hioptua tv. confuse, cause to make a mistake
hioria iv. 1. fast ritually 2. take it easy, get well (~-, hihioria)
hiosia n. 1. paper 2. venereal disease
~ nooka, iv. read
~ ta’a, iv. be literate
~ tomi, n. paper money, bills
~ totohame, n. messenger, ambassador
hiove tv. try on; make a mistake (hiop-, hihiove)
ama ~ tv. try on (ex. pantolonim ~, try on pants; vochampo ~, try one shoes; kamisolam ~, try on shirts)
ama vutti ~ iv. blunder
hiovek adj. mistaken
hioveka adv. by mistake
hiovila tv. 1. try, attempt 2. try on clothing 3. try out (~-, hihiovila); Ana ~vae. I want to take it for a test
hiovukun adv. maybe, might; ~ huni ka kotne. You might not sleep.
hiowa n. Holy Week restrictions
hiowame n. mourning, mourning restrictions
hiowane n. ritual fasting
hiowe n. chicura, canyon ragweed (Ambrosia ambrosioides)
hipaksia iv. be laundering (~-, hihipaksia)
hipetam n. bed
hipeteka iv. make out bed (hipetek-, hipeteteka)
hipette iv. make mats (~-, hihipette)
hipi’ike iv. wring, squeeze (hipi’ik-, hihipi’ike)
hipi’ikim n. milk (syn. leechim)
hipona iv. beat drum, play music in general (hipon-, hihipona)
hiponreo n. musician
hiponreom n. band (musical group)
hippue tv. own, possess, have; keep (hippú’u-, hihippue); Ne ika laapista ~. I own this pencil.
ama ~ iv. have writing; hiosia kaita ama ~n, the page was blank
hipu’uwa iv. be kept; Ume yaaven im ~. The keys are kept here.
hipuyesa’alim n. a salamander sp.
hiruke tv. play musical rasp (hiruk-, hihiruke)
hirukia aso’ola n. rasp (musical; small)
hirukiam n. rasp (musical)
hisika iv. cut hair (~-, hissika)
hisikareo n. barber
hissa tv. throw, broadcast, toss (particulate matter; ~-, hihissa)
hissoa iv. poke (~-, hihissoa; var. hihsoa)
hisuma tv. tie it up (~-, hissuma)
hisumai adj., n. 1. adj. bundled, wrapped 2. n. package
hisumia n. 1. bundle, package, burden 2. bandage
hisumiam n. pascola’s strips of black cloth
hita pn. what, thing, something, which; ~ mesapo kattek. There is something on the table. Aman ne hita
vichak. I see something. ~ mesapo katek? What’s on the table? Empo ~ hinuk? What did you buy? Aapo
~ enchi makne? Will s/he give you anything? Yoóko ~sa te hoone? Are we doing anything tomorrow?
Empo ~ yeu a puane ti ea? Which do you think he will pick (var. ~ empo yeu a puane tia?) ~ kolor
pinturata empo sauwavae em kari yoka vetchi’ivo? What color are you going to paint your house?
~ hoa tv. be doing something
~ huni’i, pn. anything, whatever
~ ta’ame n. expert
~ ta’awame, n. knowledge
~ tattaame, n. pyromaniac, firebug
~ tenku iv. imagine
~ tuttu’ule, n. curious, nosey
~ vetchi’ivo, exp. for what purpose?
~ wohowohoktame n. drill (tool)
~ yeu siika exp. something happened (emergency, crisis)
hitaa interj. what? (questioning expression)
hitasa pn. what is it?
hitasempo exp. what do you ___? (< hita + sa + empo); ~ bwa’avae? What do you want to eat?
hitasempoa exp. What are you doing?; A: ~? B: Ika ne hoa. A: What are you doing? B: I’m working on
this. A: ~ tuuka yaak? B: Uka ne yaak. A: What did you do yesterday? B: I worked on that. A: ~ yoóko
ya’ane? B: Ika ne yoóko ket ya’ane. A: What are you going to do tommorrow? B: Tommorrow I’m going
to work on this.
hitasu adv., interj. as if, what if
hitatua adv. what could it be?
hitaven pn. something else
hitcha tv. hang out (clothes) (hitchá’a-, hihitcha)
hitcha’ala iv. hang out (laundry)
hitcha’ari adj. hung out
hite’i n. fishing net
hitevi n., iv. curer who uses spiritual healing as a primary thearpy; cf. hittoareo
hitta iv., n. make, set fire (~-, hihitta)
hitta’areo n. one who clears a field by burning
hitto tv. cure, heal (~-, hihitto); yee aa ~, know how to cure; Maala aa ~. My mother can cure.
hittoa n. medicine; Wa ili ~ta vetchi’ivo te aman a makne. We will give him something for the small
amount of medicine.
hittoareo n. herbalist, one who cures with herbs and medicinals; cf. hitevi)
hittoha tv. deliver, transport (~-, hihittoha)
hittohakame n. the one who has delivered
hittowa iv. become cured (pst. ~k, ~n; no other tenses usual); Huana ~k. Joan was cured. Aapo ~n. S/he
was being cured.
hituni hoa exp. do as one pleases (< hita huni hoa)
hiusaka iv. be sounding (~-, hihiusaka)
hiu- comb. of hia, sound
hiutua tv. ring (doorbell, bell)
hiuwa iv. they are saying, it is being said that …
hana ~ iv. insult, slander (d.o. = au); Aapo hana a hiuwak. S/he insulted/slandered her/him.
hiva1 interj. here!; A: ~ peeso. B: Vusan tomi em nakulia. A: Here’s a dollar. B: (And here’s) seventy-five
cents back.
hiva2 adv. only, just; Ini hiva kaita intoko. This is all; there is nothing else (that’s all there is). Aapo hiva
aman si’ime. He’s the only one going. Aapo ~ aman simne. He’s the only one going over there. Vai
peesom ne ~ nesitaroa. I need at least three dollars.
~ ka exp. except; Si’ime aman saka ta Luis hiva ka aman siime. Everyone went except Louis.
~ naeni adv. exactly
~ veeki adv. same amount of
~ vena adj. same
~ venaku adv. in the same place
hiva3 adv. always
~ vetchi’ivo adv. forever
~ vetchi’ivo hiapsiwame n. eternal life
~ yu adv. from then on, all the time, continually, constantly; Hiva yu namuke. S/he’s always drunk. Aapo
hiva yu hi’ibwa. S/he’s always eating. Apo hiva yu huname supek. She always wears the same dress.
~ yu hoone iv. continue
hivatua adv. maybe so, could be, perhaps; A: Im kompai hani aavo weye tea. B: ~. A: They say my
compadre is coming. B: Maybe that is so. Vempo ~ aman katne. They might go. Hunakiasachi ~ amemak
siika. Apparently she went with them. ~ yoóko yaine. Maybe he’ll come tommorrow.
hivep- comb. of hiveva, hit
hivatune iv. will be, will come about; Ini tekil ~. This work will come about.
hivavendaku adv. at the same place
hiveva tv. hit it, strike it (hivep-, hivveva)
hivevia n. 1. slash 2. club, stick (for shinny or golf)
hivoa iv. be cooking (hivóo-, hivovoa); Hamutta ~u su yuktaitek. While the woman was cooking, it
started to rain.
hivoleo n. cook
hivoo- comb. of hivoa, be cooking
hiwise tv. saw (hiwis-, hiiwise)
hiyoka iv. be painting (hiyok-, hiiyoka)
ho’ak iv. live, dwell, reside (pst. ~an, ho’a-, hohho’a and hoho’a)
ho’akame n. 1. household member 2. inhabitant
ka im ~ n. stranger, foreigner
ho’apo adv. at home; Chema ~ katek. Chema is at home.
ho’ara n. 1. household 2. village, pueblo 3. home village, home town 4. neighborhood; Eme ~po teopok?
Do you have a church in the village? ~po ehkuelak into tiendak. There’s a school and a store in the
bwe’u ~, town/city
ho’aram n. village
ho’arau wáate iv. be homesick
ho’opo n. a tree sp.
ho’otia iv. snore (ho’otiu-, hotitihia)
hoa1 tv. 1. do, make 2. live, reside (pst. yaak, ya’a-, hohoa); Yoóko hitasa te hoone? What are we doing
tommorrow? Vaavu puatota ne yaak. I made a dish from clay.
a eu ~ tv. do as one pleases; Uusi a eu ~. The boy does as he likes.
a au ~ iv. take one’s sweet time
koko’osi a ~ tv. injure
veuti ~ tv. waste; Vempo veuti am ~. They’re wasting them/it.
hoa2 tv. place them (pl. obj.; sg. obj. yecha; ~-, hohhoa)
hoa’ate iv. move (change residence); Tusoneu ne ~. I’m moving to Tucson.
hochi adj. 1. fine 2. finely ground; Haivu ~. It’s already time. Use’e si ~. This is very fine. Tu’isi ~
vachitamake paanim yaak. She made bread with fine corn flour.
hohhote rdp. of hoote, be sitting
hohohna n. acacia sp.
hohootua dv. make someone do something
hohoova n. jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)
hohoria dv. make or do for; Maala hiva ne yu anis teeta ~ ne ko’okoeu. Mother always make me anise
tea when I am sick.
hohoroi adj. bumpy
hohowame n. usual, customary, ordinary
homotu iv. be a beggar (pst. ~k, ~n)
hoiwa iv. get used to (d.o. = au; ~-, hohoiwa); Apo ranchopo ~k. He got used to it at the ranch. U ili
hamut au ~k. S/he got used to the little girl.
hoiwai n. companion
hoiwala iv. be used to; Im ne ~. I’m used to this place.
hokoptui n. widow, widower
hokte iv. wheezing (hokti-; no rdp.)
hoktia n. whooping cough
hoo ota n. backbone, main beam
hoo’o n. back (body part); loc. hoochi, on (the) back
hooka iv. sit down (pl.; sg. katek; imp. hooyo’em, pst. ~n, hoo-, hohoye); cf. hoote; Vahi muu’um huyapo
~. There are three owls in the tree. Vahi mansaanam mesat ~. There are three apples on the table.
Saalapo siiyam ~. There are chairs in the living room.
hookame pn. those present, audience (lit. seated)
hoome n. 1. inhabitant 2. native 3. citizen
hoomo n. beggar
hoona n. oven
hoopea iv. be enthusiastic (with hita as obj.)
hoori n. place that has been sat in
hooria dv. do something for someone else
hooso n. 1. bear (animal) 2. a tree sp.
hoosom n. sickle
hoote iv. sitting (pl.; sg. yehte; ~-, hohhote); cf. hooka)
amae ~ iv. change one’s mind (pl.)
amae hohote iv. vacilate, change mind often (pl.)
hooti adv. snoring (with hia)
~ koche iv. be snoring
hootu iv. flexible (agreeable), amenable, cooperative
hoovo’e n. orange-red ants
hoowa iv. 1. be going on 2. to do to 3. be making; cf. hoa1; kari ~, be making a house; hain huni ka
howaka, even though nothing is done to them
hooye iv. sit down (pl. imp. hooyo’em); cf. hooka, yeesa
hope’era n. cheeks (one with big cheeks)
hopem n. cheeks
hopo n. a tree with large leaves
hopo’orosim n. necklace (of pascola or deer dancer; made ofabalone shell)
horoi adj. uneven, bumpy (pl. hohoroi)
Hose n. Joseph
hota tv. soften (cf. bwalkote), grind finely (~-, hohota)
hoteka iv. sit down Sewau ~ te. We sit down to flowers (to the instruments used by deer singers).
hotekate iv. sit down to; Vesa te sewam ~. Let us sit down to the flower (deer singers’ instruments).
hoteel n. hotel
hotolai adj. hollow (something hemispherical; pl. hohotolai)
hovei n. palm tree sp.
hovo hi’ibwa iv. eat one’s fill
hovoa iv. get full, satiated (hovo’o-, hohovoa and hovvoa); Tua véa hovo hi’ibwa vaane. He wants to eat
his fill.
hovoi adj. full
hoyo n. poison
~k, be poisoned; Hivatua ~k. Maybe it’s poisoned.
hu comb. of hu’upa, mesquite
~ bwaníam n. mesquite gum
hu’i n. penis
kuta ~, iv. be promiscuous (of a man; cf. hantiachi)
hu’u pn. that
hu’ubwa(su) adv. in a while
~ nanateme n. beginner
~ yo’otume n. young man
hu’ukte iv. be choking (hu’ukti-, huhu’ukte); cf. hukte
hu’uktia tv. choke (~-, huhu’uktia)
hu’unakiachi(sia) adj. 1. obvious 2. apparently not amiable; U hamut ~ machi aane. The woman doesn’t
appear to be amiable.
ka ~ adj. confusing; cf. chiktuachi
hu’unakte tv. create (deliberately; hu’unakti-, no rdp.); Itom Achai O’ola itom im ~k. God made us here.
~ka hunuen aayuk. He did it on purpose. Itom Ya’akame Achai O’ola inim bwan bwiapo itom ~kame. Our
Old Father who made us on this weeping earth is our creator. Dios Surem ~k. God made the Surem.
hu’unaktei n. 1. creation, creature 2. planned thing
hu’unea iv. be knowledgeable (hu’une-); cf. aawe, ta’a; Aapo ka ~ hakun vicha aa wenelu. S/he doesn’t
know which way to go. Ne ka ~ haisa em hiapo. I don’t know what you are saying. Ne ~k havesa ama
tekipanoa. I found out who works there. Empo ~ haisa em hiakapo? Do you know what you said? Ne ~
hita in ya’anepo. I know what I will do. Ne ka ~ hita em teuwa’u. I don’t know what you are saying. Apo ~
haveeta a vichaka’apo. He1 knows who saw him1. Apo ~ haveeta apo’ik vichaka’apo. He1 knows the one
who saw him2.
hu’uneiya tv. 1. know 2. acknowledge 3. realize 4. find out (~-/hunei-, hune”eeiya); Apo lutu’uriata ~k.
S/he realized the truth. Ta vesa ne kia lautipo avo huneivaeka weama. But I came quickly to find out. In a
~po vempo aman yahak. As far as I know, they arrived there.
hu’uneiya vaane iv. be nosey (with si’imek as obj.)
hu’uneiyawame n. 1. something known, fact, knowledge 2. consciousness
hu’uneiyawari adj. known
hu’unewame n. knowing
hu’upa n. mesquite (Prosopis sp.); ~naposa ket hittoa sauwa. Mesquite is used for medicinal purposes.
~ hamuchia, n. female mesquite
~ keka’a n. catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii)
~ o’owia n. male mesquite
~ taakam, n. mesquite bean pods (syn. pechita)
hu’uwasu iv. be freezing (~-, huhu’uwasu)
hua comb. of huya, wild
~ ko’oko’im n. chiltepin
~ koowi n. peccary, javelina
~ miisi n. wild cat
~ Yoeme n. O’odham, Pima, Papago
huaha’a var. of huha’ara, one who farts
Huan n. John
hubwa comb. of hu’ubwa, young, early
~ heela adv. recently
~ hiva adv. just recently (ex. ~ hiva ansuk. It just finished.)
~ kupteo bwiikam n. early evening songs
~ yo’otu n. young man
hubweela adv. 1. recently 2. fresh (baked, cooked); ~ yuke. It rained recently. Huan aman ~ siika. John
went there recently. Paanim ~ ya’awa. The bread is fresh.
hubwiva adv. just recently
hubwuni adv. always, constantly; ~ tomita reewe. He’s always borrowing money.
huchahi n. a hawk sp. (var. hucha’i)
huchahko n. Brazil wood (Haematxylon brasiletto), a spiny shrub used for the notched raspers and
rasping stick; Inian hia wa ~. The Brazil wood sounds like this.
huchi(a) adv. again, next; ~ avo weye. It’s coming again.
~ aane tv. repeat (action)
~ mechat adv. next month
~ senu adv. again, one more time, another; Apo huchi senu karota hinuk. S/he bought another car.
~ teuwa tv. repeat (verbally)
~ vicha adv. back again
Hudio n. Jew (var. Hurio)
hue’ena adj. mean, cruel, bad tempered, evil
huevena pn. many, much (human; syn. vuu’u); ~ka im aane. There’s a lot of people here. ~ka a vichak.
Many people saw her/him. Inepo ~m vichak. I saw a lot of them. ~ hamuchim ka tekipanoa. There aren’t
many people working.
huevenasi adv. many times
Hueves n. Thursday
huha iv., tv. 1. iv. fart, pass gas 2. tv. sting (~-, huhha and huuha); cf. huuha; Mumu ne ~k. The bee stung
huha’ara n. someone who farts a lot (var. huaha’a)
huham n. fart
huhhame n. one who habitually farts; Aapo tu’isi huvam huhha. S/he’s a real stinker.
huhteme n. 1. whale 2. dolphin, porpoise
huhu’ubwa tv. smelling it, sniffing it (~-, huhhu’ubwa)
huhupwa iv. getting married (of a man); cf. kukunawa
huiwa1 tv. sense (premonition, especially when an older child senses that another child is on the way
and pouts; pst. ~n, ~-, huhhuiwa); Aapo a ~n. S/he sensed it before it happened. U ili usi waivaeka a ~.
Because the child is going to have a sibling, s/he is huiwa.
huiwa2 n. 1. arrow 2. ammunition
~ to’oria n. quiver
hukta tv. smell it (~-, hukhukta)
huktila adj. choked
hukte iv. choke on liquids (hukti-, hukhukte; cf. hu’ukte, tatte); chichiae ~, choke on one’s own saliva
hulen adv. that’s why
hulentuko adv. for that reason
hulensan adv. that’s why
Hulio n. July
Hurio n. var. of Hudio, Jew
huma’aku adv. maybe, perhaps
humak adv. 1. it would be better if … 2. maybe (var. ~u’u); haivu ~ adv. about, more or less; Haivu
humak mamni meecha ama vivitwakai. It was seen about five months ago. Apo ~ aman aane. S/he might
be there. Apo ~ yeu yeune. S/he may go out to play.
~ huni’i adv. maybe; ~ te lauti sahak tu’ine. It would be better if we left early.
humaksan adv. maybe so
humaku’u adv. maybe, perhaps, probably (var. humak)
huna pn. that; Apo hiva yu ~me supek. She always wears the same dress.
huna’a pn. that (emph.)
huna’aka interj. of course, indeed; A: Empo muunim waata? B: ~. A: You want some beans? B: Sure.
hunaen adv. like that
hunaet adv. on that
hunak(o) adv. then; In maala ~ ka ne yo’otuko chin puppuane. Back then when I was still a child my
mother used to pick cotton. A: Mil novesiento sinkwentai siatepo chin puppuan? B: Heewi, ~. A: Did she
pick cotton in 1957? B: Yes, then. ~ apo yepsak. Then s/he came. ~ véa apo yepsak. And then s/he came.
hunaksan adv. then, and then, from then on; ~ aapo hiva yu au susua. From then on, she took good care
of herself.
hunaksu adv. 1. what if 2. and then what (in relating story or event); A: Yoeme kari veppa kom wechek.
B: ~. A: That person fell from the roof. B: And then what happened?
hunakteka adv. deliberately, on purpose, intentionally; Apo ~ a too vuitek. He left him behind on
hunaktekame n. creator (with yee)
hunakvea conj. and then; A: ~ simne u maaso? Heewi, inime vahim chupuko. A: And then the deer will
go out? B: Yes, when (we) finish these three (songs).
hunalensu interj., adv. 1. interj. likewise (in reply) 2. adv. equally (var. hunanensu); Waka’a pueplo
yo’oweta intok waka’a wiko’i ya’urata ket hunalensu si’imeta tu’urisuk. The governor and the war
leaders all wanted him equally (Cajeme). A: Tua Dios em chiokoe utteasia. B: Heewi, empo ket ~. A: May
God forgive you strongly. B: Yes, and you likewise.
hunalevena iv. alike
hunam(a) adv. over there (farther than aman or um); ~ kom wechek. It fell down over there.
hunama wo’i n. streaked coyote sp.
hunaman(i) adv. over there (s. ayamansu)
hunanakle iv. aim at (with aet)
hunanensu adv. var. of hunalensu, equally
hune’ela adj. empty (pl. hunne’ela)
huneewam n. knowledge, wisdom
hunen adv. thus; ~ hiuwa. That’s what they say.
hunuensan conj. that is why; U yoeme si omte, ~ apo ka wotte. The man is very angry, so he is keeping
hunensu interj. that’s why
hunera adj. ugly, plain; Kaarom nau tahtekapo unna huneraikan. The auto accident was terrible.
huneram n. voices that speak from where a dead person slept
or sat
hunerasi anwa iv. be wild (in behavior)
huni adv. so, thus
ka ~ adv. never again
Hunio n. June
hunneiya tv. belittle; U hamut hiva yee ~. That woman is always belittling people.
hunniawa tv. 1. make fun of, tease 2. deride, malign (~-, huninniawa; cf. hana hiuwa); Aapo hiva yee ~ne.
He is always putting people down.
hunta n. gathering, meeting, assembly
huntuk conj. for that reason
huntuko interj. well, … (syn. abwe)
huntuksan conj. that is why
hunu pn. that (obj. uka, pl. ume; var. u, nu; emph. huni’i, hunu’u, obj. hunuka); Abwe heewi ne ket kia
enchim suate vicha enchim ovisi aneo huni’i. Well, I’m bothering you while you are busy. A: Em maala ka
im katek? B: ~, au ne chchaivae. A: Is your mother home? B: Yes, I’ll go call her. A: Katin Peo sehtul ama
wam weeka a vichaktia. B: ~ ne ka a hu’uneiya. A: Once Peter saw it going around. B: Well, I didn’t know
hunulevena adv. like that (var. nulevena, hunulevevena)
hunuen adv. thus
~ eiya tv. assume
~ maachi iv. that’s the way it is
~ yee eiyame n. assumption
hunueni adv. really
hunuensan adv. that is why; Vocham kanna’ana, ~ u nana ka am waatan. The shoes are not alike; that’s
why the girl didn’t want them.
hupa n. skunk; Hupa hu’upapo vétuku kateka huvam ~k. The skunk sitting underneath the mesquite
farted stinkingly (traditional tongue twister).
hupsi n. guayparin, tree of life, holywood (Guaicum sp.), a heavy hardwood that will sink
hupti adv. fast, quickly, rapidly (human growth; with yo’otu)
hupvawame n. bride-to-be (syn. huvituvaeme)
Hurasim n. Chapayekas
Hurio n., adj. Jew(ish)
hurisiaal n. police officer (Son.; cf. polesia)
husai adj. brown; Paapam huhusai. Potatoes are brown.
husaite tv. brown
husali adj. brown (aff.)
husama adj. brownish; Ne hikat ~ waiwanola cha’aka (s.). I dangle brownish on the top.
husari adj. brown (derogatory)
hutta tv. give a rash (~-, huhutta); Pantaloonim a ~k. The pants are giving him a rash.
hutte iv. get a rash (hutti-, huhutte)
huttiam n. skin rash
hutu’uki n. a small shrub sp.
huu pn. that (near; var. u)
huuha tv. bite (insect), sting (~-, huhha); cf. huha
huuki n. pit house
Huuras n. Judas
huuri n. badger
huuva iv. smell, stink (pst. ~kan, ~-); opposite of winhuva; Tu’isi misi bwita ~. It stinks like cat shit. Im
huhhvae. It stinks in here.
huuve iv. marry (of men), take a wife (hup-, huhuve)
huuvi n. wife (masc.; cf. huviawai)
huva’asam n. venereal disease
huvachinai n. stinkbug
huvae toosa n. spider web; U huvae tosa si tu’i hittoa chuktiam vetchi’ivo. Spider web is good for cuts.
húvahe n. spider (gen.)
huváhe n. bebelama, chaste tree (Vitex mollis), a tall tree with a thick trunk
huvakvena n. a medicinal plant (Bursera laxiflora)
huvaria n. lower back
~po ko’okoe iv. have hemorrhoids
huvekame n. married man
huviawai n. 1. wife (in general; cf. huuvi) 2. housewife
huvituvaeme n. bride-to-be (syn. hupvawame)
huweetem n. toy(s)
huya n. 1. plant, tree, bush 2. branch 3. wilderness (comb. hua; obj. huata; syn. pocho’oria)
~ Ania n. Wilderness World (natural world, wildwood; desert, brushland, and river areas outside the
realm of town; physical manifestation of the yo anía)
~ ko’oko’i n. chiltepin, wild chile (Capsicum annuum)
~ kuu’u n. agave
~ Nokame n. the Talking Tree (syn. Kuta Nokame)
~ ro’akteme n. tumbleweed (syn. mo’oko)
~ tatakame n. fruit tree
~ vakulia n. branch
~ wakia n. hay, straw
huyaute iv. go to the bathroom outside (huyauti-, huhuyaute)
huyu pn. that (farther away; cf. hu); ~ka neu toha. Bring me that one. ~ husai. That one is brown.
huyuka’a interj. that (resp.)
huyu’u pn. that one (emph.)