-la1 suf. 1. already done 2. adjective marker (ex. lottila, tired); Havu ne hamutta ~. I have already seen
the woman. Livrum ne ~tukan. I have already seen the book.
-la2 suf. adjective marker (the i- may be dropped in rapid speech; ex. koelai, round)
-lai suf. suffix added to English names (ex.: Tivilai, Stevey; Temilai, Tammy)
-le suf. 1. consider (ex. Ka ne enchi yevihmachile. I didn’t think you were going to come.) 2. have the
quality of (ex. o’ou, man -> oule, be brave)
-leo suf. var. of -reo
-levena postp. as, like (var. -levevena is used with plural referents); nelevena, like me; elevena, like
her/him; Hunume into bwan hunulevevena haitim a’ane. They are like that, they make too much mess.
La Vataya n. a dance tune
laakria n. brick (var. laakrio)
laakrio n. brick (var. laakria)
laapis n. pencil
laatiko n. 1. date (fruit) 2. date palm (Phoenix dactylifero)
laautia adv. slowly
laaven n. violin
laavos n. nail
laavohtua tv. nail
lairavistam n. binoculars
lakim n. lock (syn. gannao); Apo yaavem ~po suutak. S/he stuck the lock on the door.
lakron n. thief (syn. e’ebwame)
lampa(ra) n. lamp
lamina n. sheet (metal)
lansam n. spear
lapala adv. with limbs folded (with mamak, wokek)
laplapti adv. trotting, loping (with weye)
laureel n. oleander (Nerum sp.)
lauti adv. 1. immediately, early (with weye, yepsa) 2. as soon as ith -kai); Aapo ~ weye, Mayo heelai.
S/he came early, just like a Mayo. Apo ~ a yaak kartata nu’ukai. She did it as soon as she got the letter.
lautipo immediately, right away
lavatorio n. laboratory
laveleo n. violinist
-le suf. 1. consider (ex. Ka ne enchi yevihmachile. I didn’t think you were going to come.) 2. have the
quality of (ex. o’ou, man -> oule, be brave)
lecheria n. dairy
lechuuwa n. lettuce
leechim n. milk (syn. hipiikim)
leepe n. orphan
lei n. law
lelo n. clock, watch
Lencho n. Lawrence
-leo suf. var. of -reo
letania n. litany
leuleuti adv. cautiously (with weye)
levelai n. piece
-levena postp. as, like (var. -levevena is used with plural referents); nelevena, like me; elevena, like
her/him; Hunume into bwan hunulevevena haitim a’ane. They are like that, they make too much mess.
libra n. pound (measure)
lihlihti adv. var. of lilihti
lihtaroa tv. prepare
lihto adj. ready
lihtonia n. ribbon
liima n. lime (fruit)
liimam n. file (tool)
liimon n. lemon
liipo n. depot
lilihti adv. sparsely (may refer to materials blown by the wind; var. lihlihti, rihrihti); Huya anwa sea
lihlihti heka (s.). The wild world is blowing brush (flowers and leaves) around.
limohna n., tv. 1. n. ceremonial solicitation 2. tv. donate; Aapo enchimmeu ~vae tia. It looks like she
wants to donate something to you.
limohnaim n. 1. song (devotional) 2. donated song (one played by amateurs after the morning service)
lindero n. the sacred Yoeme boundary (syn. im tahti atte’ari)
linia n. line, boundary; Hunak in apa ~ta pasaroaka apo a uhteawam nakuliak bwe’ituk apo ka ume
Yoim Yukataneu yeu a toi’ean. When my gradfather came across the border he had to change his
name to a Spnaish one so the Mexicans wouldn’t deport him to Yucatan.
linteena n. lantern
Liohta vaesaene exp. Thank goodness!
liobwánia tv. thank someone for something
liohbwana n., iv. 1. n. thanks (formal) 2. iv. give thanks (liohbwan-, liohbwabwana)
liokis adj. free (no cost)
lionoka iv. praying
lionokri n. prayer
Lios n. God (var. Dios)
Lios Achai O’ola n. God the Old Father (the Creator; in myths, the Creator is called Achai Taa’a, Father
Sun; the Creator lives in heaven (the Sun), the center of our universe, and source of energy)
Lios emak weye exp. goodbye (lit. God go with you)
lipti adj. blind
lisensia n. license, permission (syn. heviteria)
lisensiaria tv. license, give permission
litro n. liter
livra n. pound (measure)
livrom n. book; Ume ~ bwe’u. The book is big. Ume ~ bwe’ebwere. The books are big.
~ nooka, iv. read
lo’alai adj. slender, thin (ex. stick)
lo’i adj. crippled, lame
lochi n. hump, hunchback
Lomiinko n. Sunday
lomti patti adj. covered (with tarp, blanket)
lonchi n. bag or box lunch
loonam n. canvas, tarp
loora n. glory, heaven, Holy Saturday
loote n. lot (land)
lootor n. doctor, physician (var. lotoor)
loovo n. wolf
lopola n., adv., postp. 1. n. side 2. adv./postp. side by side; ae ~ weye, walk next to her/him
lopte iv. cast a shadow (re. clouds; lopti-, loplopte)
loseena n. dozen
lotlotte iv. get tired; cf. lotte
lotoor n. doctor (var. lootor)
lotte iv. be tired (lotti-, lotlotte); Tua ne ~. I’m bushed/exhausted. Kuta chukteka in komimpo ne ~k.
My arms are tired from cutting wood.
lottemcha adv. as if tired, look tired
lottia tv., n. 1. tv. tire (~-, lolottia) 2. n. weariness
lottiachi adj. tiresome, hard, difficult, fatiguing
lottila adj. tired; cf. yumia
lovolai() adj. humped, rounded, spherical
lovola hoo’ok iv. be hunchbacked
lovola kovak iv. bald, round-headed
lovola mamak iv. 1. have one’s hand in a fist 2. have deformed (curled) hands
lu’ula adj. 1. straight 2. noon (with certain verbs)
im ~, adv. straight through here; Im ~ witti weene. Go straight through here.
wam ~ adv. straight through there U teopo im ~ katek. The church is straight ahead.
~ katek iv. be noon; haivu ~ yehte, almost noon
lu’uta tv. 1. use up 2. finish, complete (~-, lulu’uta); Aapo tomita ~k. S/he used up the money.
lu’ute iv. 1. be completed, finished 2. pass away (die) 3. vanish, disappear (lu’ut-, lulu’ute); Hakun
tiempopo ~k huname’e. In the past they disappeared.
lu’utia tv. finish up, consume (~-, lulu’utia)
lu’uturia tv. use up someone else’s food or resources (~-, lu’ulu’utaria)
lutu’uriatia iv. assert
lula katek adv. noon, midday
lula yehteo adv. towards noon
lunar n. mole (on body)
Lunes n. Monday
lutu’uria n. truth (especially as evidenced by one’s actions and by fulfilling commitments; cf. manda); In
~ta yi’ine. I will dance my truth (spoken by a Matachin dancer).
lutuchuktiwa n. removal of mourning
lutula adv. candidly, frankly, straightforwardly
lutupahko n. death anniversary
luusem n. candy, sweets
luusim n. tail lights (on car)
luutu n. mourning cloth (black)
~k, iv. be in mourning
luutum n. death anniversary (the black luutu yarn it cut by the meastro in the morning after the night’s
prayers; this is a pahko held a year after the wake); Ume ~ si yo’oriwa bwe’ituk ini véa uka hiowamta
hichupane. Death anniversaries are very respected because they signify the end of mourning.