-o suf. 1. when, as (ex. nookao, as/while speaking) 2. whatever; Em ya’avaeo ya’ane. Do whatever
you want. 3. used to derive adverbs of time (ex.: kupteo, in the evening; ketwo, in the morning);
Hunera si neu eteowao u ili usi netahtaka ne chaechaetuak. They were telling me ugly stories
when the child touched me and made me scream. Inepo tiiko, echako, chea huni timi’ean. If I had
wheat, I’d have more money.
-oa suf. marks transitive verbs borrowed from Spanish (ex.: tekipanoa, work; pasároa,
o1 interj. oh, yes; Kat uka mun soto’ita kom tave o empo huynak a hamtane. Don’t drop that bean
pot or you will break it. A: Vempo uka em ili ou asoa ringboi’i’a. Nu su véa ama weyetea. B: O
heewi. Kaachin maachi hunu’u. A: They want your little son to be a ringboy. B: Oh yes, there’s
nothing wrong with that. A: Havesa u sea hamut? B: Abwe in koomai Martinata ili hamut asoa,
Anhelita. A: O. A: Who is going to be the flower girl? B: Well, my comadre Martina’s little girl,
Angela. A: Oh.
o2 conj. or; Empo ian haivu simvae ~ chukula? Do you want to go now or later?
o”omte rdp. of omte, get angry
o”ove rdp. of oove, be lazy
o”ouva rdp. of ouva, be difficult to do
o’a n. var. of o’ola, old man
o’ola n. old (person, animal), old man (var. o’a, oora)
O’ola Hahawa n. pursuit of the Old Man
o’omtak pst. of omta, dislike
o’omtila adj. angry
o’omtitua tv. make angry; Maria kaita vetchi’ivo au ~. Mary is making herself angry for no reason
at all.
o’ora n. var. of o’ola, old man
o’oream n. brains
o’ou n. man, male (pl. o’owim)
~ au ouleme n. macho, virile, masculine
o’ouwia n. male; bwala ~, male sheep
o”ouva iv. get tired of; cf. ouva
o’ovek interj. yes, that is so; A: Empo tekipanoa? B: ~. A: Are you working? B: Yes, that is so.
o’oven adv. nonetheless; Aman te saka ~. We are going nonetheless. Apo yee mahtavao ~. She
wants to be a teacher. Tomita vempo eriavae ~. Tomita vempo eriavae ~. They try to save money
to no avail.
o’owia n. masculinity
ochoko adj. greasy
ochoko kuta n. var. of heoko kuta, globe mallow
ohelaata n. tin can, can (food)
ochompo adv. (at) eight o’clock (syn. wohnaikimpo)
ofesiina n. office
ohvo n. blood
~ wikia n. vein
~ wo’ote iv. bleed
~ yehtela n. bruise
ohvora iv. be in heat, have one’s period (pst. ~tuka’a, fut. ~tune)
Oktuvre n. October
omme n., interj. 1. n. friend (male to male) 2. interj. hey, man (masc.)
ommo’okoli n. Inca dove
omo’ocho n. turtle sp.
omochi adv. at the wrong side
omola tv., n. 1. tv. shift piles 2. n. something put or pushed aside
omola adv. outside, to the side
omot adv. somewhere else; Aapo ~ siika. S/he went somewhere else.
omot rukte iv. move (residence)
omta tv. dislike, hate, detest (with/at = eu; pst. o’omtak, ~-, o”omta); Aapo enchi ~. S/he dislikes
yee ~ tv. despise, hate
omte iv. 1. get angry 2. growl (d.o. = au; omti-, o’omte and o”omte); ke a o’omteo, before s/he gets
mad; neu ~, angry with me; Aapo eu ~. S/he is mad at you.
nok ~ iv. complain
tu’isi ~ iv. be furious
Omteme Kawi n. Angry Mountain, the sight of the Talking Tree that predicted the coming of the
Europeans as well as telling the future of the Yoeme people; it vibrated like an earthquake to
attract attention to what it was trying to say
omtemtavena iv. look as if angry
omtiteam n. nickname; Fredi ~. He’s nicknamed Freddy.
omtiteatua tv. nickname
omtiteatuari adj. nicknamed
omtiwame n., iv. 1. n. anger 2. iv. get angry
onawatte iv. mine salt
onchempo adv. (at) eleven o’clock
ono’e n. barrel cactus (Ferocacus spp.)
onsa n. ounce
ontua tv. salt (~-, o’ontua)
oobwa iv. choke on (obwá-; choke on anything but liquid; cf. hukte)
oona n. salt
oora n. hour
ooro n. gold
oove iv. be lazy (-st. ~n, ~-, o”ove)
oove wechia iv. laziness
oove weeche iv. get lazy
Opata n. Opata
oppoa iv. weep (~-, o’oppoa)
oppoam n. tears
oraario n. schedule
orarioroa tv. schedule
oraroa tv. pray (syn. lionoka)
orasion n. prayer (syn. lionokri)
ore tv., iv., n. 1. tv./iv. uh (used when searching for a verb; ori-) 2. n. what’s it, what’s her/his name;
oritukan Porfiirio Diastukan, it was in the days of Diaz
oregano n. oregano
orekan iv. do such and so (used when searching for a word)
ori n. ah, uh, umm (used when trying to think of a word); ~ im ~ maala weama enchim
teovachiavae tia. Uh, this lady, uh, looks like she is going to bless you. A testamento tian, porke
ini ~ u vatnataka u yo’ora… tekipanoasuk. They call it a testament because, uh, in the beginning
the elders worked on it. ~ nen hia? What’s her/his name?
oripo adv. uh, umm (used when trying to think of an adverb); ~ yukuk. It rained somewhere.
orno n. oven
ospitaal n. hospital
ota n. 1. bone 2. skeleton (syn. kalavera) 3. chaff (from thrashing; syn. sankoa) 4. trunk or stem
(tree, plant)
kia ~ ausu’uli iv. be just skin and bones
~ ausu’uli adj. bony
ou apelai n. single man
ou asoa n. son (female’s male offspring)
oule iv. be brave, courageous (with au; pst. ~n, ouli-, o’oule)
ousei n. 1. mountain lion (s. ouseli) 2. lion; Yee nanasonteme amak ~ si a’ane. The ones that harm
people sometimes change into mountain lions.
ouseli n. mountain lion (s. ; = ousei)
ousi(a) adj., adv. 1. adj. hard (physical property), sturdy, strong 2. adv. much (witch much energy;
syn. unna, yuin; ~ bwana, cry a lot; ~ maachi, looks sturdy; ~ tekipanoa, work hard; ~ yukuk,
rained really hard; Tuka kupteo tu’isi ~ yukuk. Yesterday afternoon it rained really hard.
ouva iv. 1. be difficult to do 2. be lazy, not feel like doing (pst. ~n, ~-, o”ouva; o’ouva, get tired of);
au ~, neglect one’s self; Tekilta ne ~. I don’t feel like working.
ouvam n. coals, embers
ouvatu iv. get to be hot (coals)
ouwo n. tree, bush; na’aso ~, orange tree; piocha ~, chinaberry tree
ove’a n. lazy bones, one who is habitually lazy (var. ove’era; pl. o’ove’am); U yoeme tu’isi ~. That
man is lazy. U yoeme tu’isi ~tukan. The man was lazy.
ove’era n. var. of ove’a, lazy person
ove’eso n. 1. ram (sheep) 2. mountain sheep
ovetave in: yee ~, make one lazy
ovewechila adj. having become lazy
ovi eiya iv. think something is hard to do
oviachi adj. 1. difficult, hard 2. complex, complicated
ovisaane iv. be busy
ovisi adj. busy
~ aane, be busy; ~ te aane. We’re busy.
owilai adj. curved, circular
oyoven adv. even though (s.l.; = o’oven); Kia ne huyapo ka yeu machiata, vuite ~. I am running,
although I am unseen in the wilderness (s.l.)