t postp. 1. on 2. about a certain topic (var. -chi; paradigm: net, et, at/aet, itot, emot, amet; the pl. of this
suf. is -met); kava’it, on horseback; Hunio mechat, in the month of June; Woi livrom mesat hooka.
There are two books on the table. Apo tomit nooka. S/he’s talking about money.
-ta suf. transitive suffix (often used with -k; ex: vahta, loosen it; chokinakta, smash it)
-taim suf. the people of _ ; Hose intok Huantaim, Joe and John’s people
-taite suf. begin to (inceptive; ex. yuktaite, begin to rain)
-taka suf. 1. what kind of (with hita) 2. even though; hita kuta~, what kind of wood is it; Yoem~ huni, ka
yoem noka. Even though s/he’s a Yoeme, s/he can’t speak the language.
-tana postp. 1. from 2. alongside of (paradigm: netana, eetana, aetana, itotana, emotana, ametana);
iatana, from/alongside this; waitana, from alongside that; cf. vétana
-te1 suf. causative (added to nouns; verbs derived with this suffix do not vary their shape when other
suffixes are added; ex.: kari, house -> káate, build; so’to’i, olla -> soto’ote, make pottery; cf. -tua
-te2 suf. intransitive suffix (often used with -k; ex:. wo’ote, be spilled; kohakte, revolve)
-te3 suf. of a small set of transitive verbs (ex. nasonte, ruin it; nawite, weaken it; nu’ute, set it aside)
=tea ptc. quotative particle
1. used in direct and indirect quotes; Vempo ha’ani a’avo katetea. They say that they are coming.
2. used in giving names; Aapo Maria=ti teak. Her name is Mary.
3. use with words that describe sounds (var. =tia, ti); Kumti wechek. It fell down with a thump.
4. supposed to (var. ti); Ta’abwi hamut haano yevihne ~. Another woman is supposed to show up.
5. in truth (with negative); A: Huana hani ko’okoe tea. B: Ka tea; lutu’uriapo ko’okoe. A: They say that
Jane is sick. B: It’s so; in truth, she really is sick.
-tevo suf. have someone do something; Vempo avo noktevo. They are sending word here.
-ti suf. a form of the resultative (ex. kotti, broken); cf. -i
ti(a)1 ptc. var. of
tea; In achai chea Yoronata au vitlaitia. My father saw the Llorona.
-ti(a)2 suf. adverb formative (ex.: laautia, slowly; lauti, immediately)
-tia3 suf. applicative suffix (added to verbs in -te; ex.: mohte, be rotting -> mohtia, cause to disintegrate;
pohte, be boiling -> pohtia, boil it for someone)
=to ptc. and so (points out an exception; from into, and); Enchimto ka ha’avosek? And they didn’t pay
you? Itomto ka vehe’etuak. And us he didn’t pay.
-tu suf. 1. become (ex.: yoemtu, become a person; voatu, grow hair/mold) 2. act as (ex. ya’uttu, act as a
leader); Huan ian polesia. John is now a policeman. Aapo polisiatune. S/he will become a policeman.
Aapo polisiatukan. S/he was a policeman. Aapo polisiatuvae. S/he is a policeman. Apo tutu’ulisi
veemetu. She is becoming a beautiful woman.
-tua suf. causative (added to verbs; verbs derived with this suffix do not change their shape when other
suffixes are added; cf. -te; ex.: hi’ibwatua, forcefeed; kottua, put to sleep; a hichiktua, make her sweep)
-tukan suf. 1. past tense marker for nonverb predicates (cf. -k, -kan, -tu) 2. pluperfect marker with verbs
(see -la); sialitukan, was green; ya’uttukan, was a leader; A: Tuuka hita taewai? B: Tuuka
Vienestukan. A: What day was it yesterday? B: Yesterday was Friday. U o’ou aman ma’arikan. The
man was buried there. U o’ou aman ma’aritukan. The man was buried there (but no longer is).
-tula suf. disoriented (ex. chiktula, be disoriented; ne’otula, stutter)
ta conj. but, however; ~ inepo haivu kotpea. But I’m already sleepy. Haivu te katean ~ hu ketun lotte.
We should leave, but s/he’s still tired.
ta vesa conj. but, however, but now (var. ta véa); Matachinim yi’ivaen, ta vesa ayam kottek. Ta véa
nee yoemnoka. But at least I speak Yoeme. Tua ka tu’iakan ta vesa ian ili tu’isi weyemta vena. It
wasn’t going too well, but now it’s a little better.
ta’á- comb. of ta’ewa, be popular
ta’a tv. 1. know, know how 2. recognize, discern 3. know a person, have someone’s number, read
someone like a book (~-, tatta’a; s. tata’a); cf. aawe, hu’unea; au hiosia ~, know how to write; waka
hamutta ~, know that woman (acquainted); Yem nokta ~, speak Yoeme; Havetuni ~. S/he recognizes
anybody. Ne ka enchi ~n. I didn’t recognize you. Aapo ~ta ~k. S/he learned the truth.
ta’abwi pn., adj. 1. pn. other, another 2. adj. different 3. adj. wrong choice of two alternatives (pl.
tatta’abwi, obj. ~k, pl. obj. tatta’abwik); ~ ánia, another world; Au nokwau tattabwisusu hia. He started
saying other things. ~k hinuk. S/he bought another. Ne ~ tekilta enchim makne. I’ll give you another job.
Uka senu chake’etam ne vittua. Please show me the other jacket. ~ hamut haani yevihne tea. Another
woman is supposed to show up. Unume chake’etam ta’abwi. That’s the wrong jacket. U hamut
Huantamak tekpapanoa ta apo ian ~ tekilta teak. That woman used to work with John, but now she
found a different job.
ta’abwisi adj. different, strange, odd (with maachi)
ta’abwikut adv. 1. pre-occupied 2. have mind elsewhere, have mind on something or someone else 3. on
someone or something else (re: blame); Aapo ~su a kuparoa. S/he blamed it on someone else.
ta’ale iv. consider to be knowledgeable; hita au ~, know a subject in depth
ta’ame in: hita ~, n. expert, authority
ta’apea iv. be curious
ta’apo adv. in the way (you) know it, in your own words; Em a ~ amani a teuwan. Say it in your own
ta’aru tv., iv. 1. tv. lose 2. iv. get lost 3. iv. lose one’s mind (~-, tatta’aru); A ~tu. It gets lost easy. Hoseta
te ~k. We’ve lost Joe. Hose tomita ~k. Joe lost the money. In yaavem ne ~k. I lost my keys.
ta’arula adj. lost (with au); Apo au ~mta hariwa. He is looking for the lost one.
ta’arutua dv. confuse, disorient
ta’awame n. known
ta’ewa iv. popular, famous (pst. ~n, ta’á-)
ta’ewachi adj. recognizable
ta’ewak adj. noted, famous
ta’ewame n. 1. known, famous 2. knowledge, fact
taa n. comb. of taa’a, sun
~ bwasi adj. sunburnt
~ himsim n. ray, sunlight
~ machiria n. sunlight
~ mukia adj. sunstroke
~ tachiria n. sunlight
~ yeu katek iv. clear (of weather)
taa’a n. sun; ~po, in the sun; Ika yo ~ta yo vali huakte, waim ake yewilu siika sewailo malichi (s).
When the enchanted sun turns (the east) cool, with that the flowered fawn went out. Hakunsa weye wa
taewai? Waka taewaita, waka machiriate weiyamta, waka achai o’olata ito vepa katekamta, inian a
teuwa waka ~ta. Where is the day going? The day, the one that carries the light, the old father sitting
above us, in this way the sun is called.
~ muuke iv. be a solar eclipse
~ta kom weche vetana adv. west
~ta vitchu n. 1. sunflower 2. a plant like sunflower, non-seasonal and common in disturbed areas
(Verbesina encelioides)
~ta yeu weye vetana n. east
taabwiko n. bird of paradise plant
taahivevia n. hockey, shinny
taaka n. fruit, nut
hu’upa ~ n. mesquite bean
taakam n. pustules (lit. bodies)
taakialia conj. even so
taamu iv. faint, pass out, be knocked out (tamú-)
taasa n. cup
taata n. uncle (mother’s younger brother)
taavu n. rabbit (cottontail), cottontail
taawa iv., tv. 1. iv. stay, remain 2. tv. leave behind unintentionally (tawáa-, tatawa); Dios aapo enchim ~.
God be with you. Dios apo enchimmak ~. My God stay with you. Inen enchim mampo taawane, wa
lutu’uria. It is in your hands that this truth will stay. Aapo ho’arapo a ~k. S/he had him stay home.
aman ~ tv. flunk, fail a test; cf. pasaroa
ka tu’isi ~ iv. come to a bad end
kaitapo ~k iv. was left nothing (fame, charm)
kaitapo ~la iv. be nothing (be a castle in the air)
kaitapo tawane iv. will get burned out (wont’ amount to a hill of beans)
kaitapo tawavae iv. be on the brink of disaster
kaitapo tawasuk iv. be a has-been
aman tawala iv. stayed behind
taawe n. hawk (gen.)
tabwiko seewa n. 1. a plant sp. related to poinciana and Mexican bird-of-paradise (Caesalpinia gillesei;
syn. kau tavachin) 2. var. of tavachin
tachiria n. 1. light (of fire) 2. halo (of saint or holy figure) 3. grace (syn. grasia); U Senyoa itom
ya’uchiwa Dios ~ta HIakimeu kom vittua. The Lord, our leader, sends down his grace to the Yaquis.
tachuela n. tack (metal)
taewai n. day, date (s. taewali); semanapo ~m, days of the week
taewali n. day (s.; = taewai)
tah- comb. of tase, cough
taha iv. get burned (tai-, tataha/tattaha)
tahek iv. 1. shine 2. be on (of lights or electricity) (pst. ~an)
tahi n. 1. fire, flame 2. electricity
~ kawi n. volcano
~ wiko’i n. gun
tahita tutuchame n. fireman
Tahita Vetepo n. Heaven (lit. where the fire si burning; after death, the soul becomes a star, first traveling
to Heaven, the Sun, taking three days; those without a good heart eventually also reach the Sun and
become stars after returning to Earth to atone for their wrongs)
tahkae iv. make tortillas (~-, tatahkae)
tahkai kuchu n. flounder (lit. tortilla fish)
tahkaim n. tortilla
tahkali n. cedar
taho hait machi n. laundry, dirty clothes
taho’o(ri) n. clothes, clothing; taho’opo, on the clothing; ~tat yukuk. It rained on the clothes.
tahta tv. 1. touch 2. bump into, hit with an impact (~-, tahtahta); Karo a ~k. The car hit him. Maria a mam
~k. Mary touched her/him on the hands.
tahte iv. bump into (tahti-, tahtahte); Aapo hiva mesau tahtahte. S/he’s always bumping into the table.
tahti(a) conj. until, till, up to; ian ~, up till now (syn. Son. ian kamti); im tahti, up to here; yeu tahti,
throughout; Luneseu ~ ima ne. I’ll be here until Monday. Maranau ~ ne wokim siika. I walked till I got to
tahtiavu adv. throughout
-taim suf. the people of _ ; Hose intok Huantaim, Joe and John’s people
-taite suf. begin to (inceptive; ex. yuktaite, begin to rain)
taiweche iv. have a fever (taiwet-, taiweeche)
taiwechia n. fever; ~ta vetchi’ivo totoi kavata kokoemta vepa am ruruhne. For fever, a hen’s egg must
be rubbed over the sick person’s body.
taiwet- comb. of taiweche, have a fever
taiwo adv. 1. east 2. upriver 3. the upriver area (villages of Ko’oko’im, Vahkom, Torim, Vikam)
-taka suf. 1. what kind of (with hita) 2. even though; hita kuta~, what kind of wood is it; Yoem~ huni, ka
yoem noka. Even though s/he’s a Yoeme, s/he can’t speak the language.
taka n. body, carcass
taka huni adv. also, even though; Aa semalulukut taka huni toloko huapo sika (s.). The hummingbird
also went into the light blue wilderness world.
takalai adj. Y-shaped, forked
Takalaim n. enchanted mountain northwest of Guaymas (lit. forked)
take tv. dust, shake out (pst. ~n, tak-, tataki)
takea tv. hire
takease tv. ask a favor or a job
tako n. a native palm sp. (Sabal uresana)
tako voo’o n. palm road
tako waari n. palm basket
Tako’ouvaawa iv. be time for Palm Sunday
Tako’ouvaawausu adv. just before giving out the palms on Palm Sunday; ~ sahak, just before they gave
out the palms, they (had to) leave
Tako’ouwa n. Palm Sunday
takochae n. a bird sp.
taksi n. taxi
tam comb. of tami, tooth
~ lotoor n. dnetist
~ moera n. cavity (tooth)
~ wante iv. have a toothache
tamachia tv. measure; survey, lay out a building (~- tammachia)
tamachiko n. a children’s game
tamahte iv. be bucking (tamahti-, tatamahte); U kava’i ~. The horse is bucking.
tamahtitua tv. make buck
tamahtivaawa iv. ride a bucking horse
tamahtiwa n. rodeo
tamekame n. shark
tami n. tooth; Tamim ta’aruka tenkuka’u tu’isi vinwa hiapsine tea. They say that if you dream of losing
a tooth that you’ll live a long life.
tamek, have teeth
tamim n. teeth; teeth of a musical rasp
tamko’okochi n. devil’s claw
tampa’im n. molars
tampa n. drum (as opposed to the water drum)
tampaleo n. drummer
-tana postp. 1. from 2. alongside of (paradigm: netana, eetana, aetana, itotana, emotana, ametana);
iatana, from/alongside this; waitana, from alongside that; cf. vétana
tanki n. tank
tanna adv. saggingly
~ ho’ok iv. have a sway back
tannai adj. sagging
tante iv. warp (tanti-, tantante)
taparea n. lid
taparia n. mouthpiece of a flute
tapehtim n. cane platform used as bed, table or shelf (especially for table on All Souls’ Day and as bier for
a deceased person)
tapekonariina iv. shield eyes with hand (from bright light or sun)
tapicha iv. fan fire
tapoon n. stopper, plur; dam
tapsiolai adj. thin (pl. tapsisiolai)
tapuna iv. get full (of liquid or particulate matter; tapun-, tappuna)
tapuni adj. full
tapunia tv. fill (~-, tappunia); Meecha ~k etne. When the moon is full, we’ll plant.
hiosiam ~ tv. fill out (paper, form)
taravia n. spindle
Tarumaara n. Tarahumara
tare’eka n. bag, sack
tarima n. cot
taruk n. roadrunner
tasaria n. summer (var. tataria); ~po, in the summer; ~po tu’isi tata. It is very hot in the summer.
tase iv. cough (pst. ~n, tah-, tatase)
tasia n. coughing, cough
tata adj. hot (pl. tattae); ke ~o, before it gets hot
tata’a tv. 1. recognize 2. know (s.; = ta’a); Apo hamutta ~k. He recognized the woman. Sewa yoemta ka
~ (s.)? Don’t you know that person?
tatai iv. 1. get hot, overheat 2. be in heat (~-, tattai)
~ mukuk iv. have heatstroke
tataka n. a fruit-bearing tree
tatakalim n. any forked object; Elapo yeu wene, vai ~ awakame (s.). Let him go out, the one with threepointed antlers.
tataki adj. dusted
tatale iv. feel hot
tatap- rdp. of tatave, knock down
tataria n. 1. heat 2. var. of tasaria, summer
tatave tv. knock down, drop (tatap-, no rdp.; var. tave)
tatavuhte iv. sweating (tatavuhti-, no rdp.)
tatavuhtia n. sweat, perspiration
tatawiilo iv. turn around (~-, tatawiwilo)
tatchi’ina n. primrose
tate n. sinew, tendon
tatta’a tv. rdp. of ta’a, know: 1. learn 2. recognize 3. tavachinotice (~-, no rdp.); ian ala ana ~k, now I
recognize her/him
tatta’awa n. recognition
tatte iv. choke on food (tatti-, tatatte); cf. hukte
tauhia iv. say to (tauhiu-, tauhihia); “Heewi,” ~k. “Yes,” s/he said.
tauna n. coffin, tomb
tavachin n. dwarf poinciana (Caesalpinia pulcherrima; syn. tabwiko seewa)
tava’i n. grass sp. used for thatch
tavawasa’i n. jaw
tave tv. knock down (pst. tatavek, tatap-, tatave)
tavelo n. parrot
tavilai adj. leaning
tavla n. board (wood)
tawaa- comb. of taawa, stay
tawi n. chest (body part)
taya tv. 1. burn, ignite, set fire to 2. turn on (electricity, lights) (tayá’a-, tatta); ~’avawa, it’s going to be
taya’i n. burned thing
-te1 suf. causative (added to nouns; verbs derived with this suffix do not vary their shape when other
suffixes are added; ex.: kari, house -> káate, build; so’to’i, olla -> soto’ote, make pottery; cf. -tua
-te2 suf. intransitive suffix (often used with -k; ex:. wo’ote, be spilled; kohakte, revolve)
te pn. 1. we (subj. clitic) 2. let’s (may lengthen preceding vowel); Periokikota te hinune. Let’s buy a
newspaper. Hita te bwa’ean. Let’s get something to eat. Atneete. Let’s laugh. Bwikneete. Let’s sing.
te’ebwa tv. lick (~-, tete’ebwa)
te’ehma n. a tree sp.
te’eka iv. pst. of hia, sound
te’ine iv. moan (pst. ~n; pres. and pst. are the only tenses usual)
te’ite iv. trip, stumble (te’iti-, tete’ite)
te’ochia tv., n. 1. tv. bless one (~-, tete’ochia)
te’ochiawame n. blessing, benediction
=tea1 ptc. quotative particle
1. used in direct and indirect quotes; Vempo ha’ani a’avo katetea. They say that they are coming.
2. used in giving names; Aapo Maria=ti teak. Her name is Mary.
3. used with words that describe sounds (var. =tia, ti); Kumti wechek. It fell down with a thump.
4. supposed to (var. ti); Ta’abwi hamut haano yevihne ~. Another woman is supposed to show up.
5. in truth (with negative); A: Huana hani ko’okoe tea. B: Ka tea; lutu’uriapo ko’okoe. A: They say that
Jane is sick. B: It’s so; in truth, she really is sick.
tea2 tv. find (after having lost; teu-, tettea); tekilta ~, find work
teak iv. be named, be called (pst. ~an, tee-); Haisempo ~? What’s your name? Ne Mariata ti ~. I am
called Mary. Ne Mariata ti teepea. I liked to be called Mary. A: Aapo haisa ~? B: Aapo Hose-ti ~. A:
What is his name? B: His name is Joe.
teaka iv. they say (s. telika); Aapo aa hita hoa ~i, takeawak. Because he knows how to get things done,
they hired him.
teakame n. 1. name 2. title
team n. name (var. teawam)
teatua tv. name
teawam n. name (var. team)
tebwi n. datura, jimson weed (Datura discolor)
techi’ite iv. be scratching
techo n. ceiling
techoa n. mud; ~ kari, wattle-and-daub house; ~ ma’ari, plastered with mud
techoe n. bad sign, bad omen; Chukui vaesevo’i ~. A black butterfly is a bad omen (folk belief).
techom n. elbow
techuniak grubby
techuniam n. grime, filth
tee n. tea
teeham n. 1. hail 2. a game played with rocks 3. curved roofing tiles
téeka n. sky, heaven (var. teweka; the Yoeme concept of Heaven is that Heaven is the Sun, which is
where our Creator lives in the center of our universe; when a person dies, they journey to the Sun in three
days; on the third day, the soul bursts out of the Sun as a star; even evil people become stars, but must
first return to earth to atone for any evil deeds)
~ sevo’i n. horse fly
teéka tv. lay it across (tek- and tekí-, teteka)
teéki n. laid
teeko n. boss, supervisor, director, manager
teekuku n. dust devil, whirlwind; U tekuku tevesi siika. The dust devil went a long way.
teeni n. mouth
teeso n. cave, den, lair; tehpo, in the cave
teevo n. an edible wild green
teevat n. patio, yard
teeve adj. tall, long (pl. tetteve; cf. tevesi); U tren si ~. The train is long.
teewa tv. find (teu-); Haksa chea inepo waka yo’ora lutu’uriata chea tu’ik inepo teune? Where am I
going to find the best of the elders’ truth?
tehale tv. 1. use up, finish off 2. destroy (pl. obj.; tehal-, tetehale)
tehkiak iv. hold a job
tehwa tv. 1. inform, show, tell 2. explain 3. notify (~-, tetehwa); Inika si’imeta ka ~suk. They never told
me all these things.
tehwak in: a ~, n. warning
tehwawame in: yee ~, n. announcement
tekama tv. be laying it (cf. teéka)
tekia n. talent, job, intended purpose
tekil n. work, job, task, duty; Hita ~ta empo hoa? What job are you doing? Vempo ~ta nau eteho. They
are talking about work.
~ hiosia n. job application
tekipanoa iv., tv. work (~-, tekipapanoa; this may especially refer to planned activity for a specific purpose,
especially the fulfillment of a ritual vow; one’s task in this sacred context is called sewa, flower, instead of
tekil, task/job); Severiapo te tekipapanoa. It the winter, we usually work. U hamut Huantamak
tekipapanoa ta apo ian ta’abwi tekilta teak. That woman used to work with John, but now she has
another job.
aa ~ iv. be industrious
tekipanoapea iv. be enthusiastic, want to do
tekipanoareo n. worker
tekipanoawame n. work (act of working)
tekoe n. white-headed vulture
tekolai adj. round
tekowai n. master (of an animal or servant)
tekri adj. laid down
teku n. squirrel
tekuriam n. knob (on antler)
tekwa n. flesh, muscle, meat
tekwak iv. 1. be corpulent 2. be strong in taste or flavor (with yuin)
ka ~ iv. be skinny, meatless
yuin ~ iv. 1. be meaty, beefy (animals) 2. be muscle-bound (people) 3. be strong in taste or flavor
telefon n. telephone
televisión n. television
telika iv. they say (s.; = teaka); Vanseka, yo ~ (s.). Go ahead, they say, with enchantment.
tema’i n. tick (insect)
temahti n. sacristan
temai tv. ask (~-, tetemai); cf. nattemai; Aet emo ~ne, achaim. You will question yourselves, fathers.
temasti n. sacristan
temu tv. kick (~-, tetemu)
temula adj. rolled up (in a ball)
tena’asam n. pliers
tenanchim n. female litter bearers
tenela(i) adv. erect, upright
teneror n. fork
tenevoim n. rattles (cocoon)
tenhaawa iv. breathe visibly (in cold; ~-, tenhahaawa)
teniente n. lieutenant
tenku iv. dream (~-, tettenku); ~po a vichak Itom Achai. S/he saw our father in a dream.
tenku anía n. Dream World (the reality or medium in which the yo anía is accessible to humans)
tenkuim n. dreams
ka tu’i ~ n. bad dreams, nightmare
tenne iv. run (pl.; sg. vuite; tenni-, tettene)
tennei n. free-standing
tenveria n. lip
tenwe n. pelican
teochia tv. bless (~-, teteochia; syn. bendisiroa)
teokita n. silver
teopo n. church
~ kovanao n. head sacristan
~ santora n. the complement of saints of the church altar
tepa(n) adv. I think, I thought that … (marks one’s own opinion; often with su); ~ ne enchi a wetean. I
thought you knew that. ~ ne am tutu’itean. I thought they were very good. ~ ne am atu’i hiapsektean. I
thought they were good-hearted.
tepohti n. brand, branding iron
tepohtia tv. brand
tepua n. spur (of chickens)
tepuam n. axe
teput n. flea
tero’okim n. ankles
teru’usia n. wart
tesa n. a small tree sp. like acacia
tesia n. bundle or load of reeds (carried on back)
tesooro n. treasure
testamento n. statement
testiaroa tv. test
tesua n. clod, lump of dirt or clay
teta n. rock, stone
teta’ahao n. coyote gourd
tetam n. gravel
tetata yeu wike tv. mine (ore, minerals)
tetehwame in: yee ~, n. 1. warning 2. announcement
tettea rdp. of tea2, find
tettene rdp. of tenne, run (pl.)
tettenku rdp. of tenku, dream
tetamatum n. coal
tetevaure iv. get hungry
tettenkume n. dreamer
teu- comb. of tea2, find and teewa, find
teula adj. found
teuwa tv. affirm, acknowledge (teuwáa-, teteuwa)hita ~ tv. say something
teuwawa n. what is being said
teuwawame n. knowledge
ka ~ n. secret
tevachia n. patio (syn. tevat)
tevai iv. starving
~ muuke iv. be starving (pl. ~ koko; cf. tevaure)
~ mukiari n. greedy person, glutton, hog (one who takes things so others can’t have them; pl. tevai
tevat n. patio (syn. tevachia)
~ kus n. patio cross
~ te’ochia n. bless (ceremonial area)
tevatpo kus n. patio cross
tevaure iv. be hungry (tevauri-, tettevauri, tevvaure); cf. tetevaure, tevai-)
tevauri adj. hungry
tevei adv. already (syn. haivu); ~ Tusaneu saka. They’re already going to Tucson. Huan ~ aavo weye.
John is already coming here. Apo ~ koche. S/he’s already asleep.
~ eak iv. that’s the way s/he is; Tevei eak namukne. He’s always drinking.
tevesi adj., adv. 1. adj. tall (cf. teeve) 2. adv. a long way; ~ yo’otuk. It grew tall. U huya ~ weyek. The
tree is tall. Ume huyam tettevesi ha’abwek. The trees are tall. Tekuku ~ siika. The dust devil went a
long way.
-tevo suf. have someone do something; Vempo avo noktevo. They are sending word here.
tevoli n. clover (good for heart and blood diseases)
tevos n. gopher
tevote tv. greet (~-, tetevote); Heewi, aman ne ~ em yevisnewi. I send my greetings to where you will
tevotewa n. handshaking
tevotua iv. be greeting
tevuhlia n. rainy season, monsoons (s. tevulia); ~po, adv. during the rainy season
tevuhpo adv. during the rainy season
tevuhlia n. rainy season (s.; = tevuhlia); ~po tu’isi yuyuke. During the monsoons, it usually rains a lot.
~ yuku n. monsoon
tewei adj. dark blue (s. teweli)
teweka n. var. of téeka, sky
ti’i- comb. of te’eka, sounded
teweli adj. dark blue (s.; tewei); Ayaman ne seyewailo ~ kauta heheka vetukun koyowe (s.). Over
there, under the shade of the dark blue, flowered mountain, I hover.
-ti suf. a form of the resultative (ex. kotti, broken); cf. -i
ti(a) ptc. var. of =tea 1. marks a quotation, quotes a name or word 2. describes a sound; Lios em
chaniavu, maala, ~ tevotek. “God keep you, lady,” he said in greeting. Aapo Hose-ti teak. His name is
Joe. Kumti wechek. It fell down with a thump. Apo a lutu’uria tian. S/he is telling the truth.
ti(a)1 ptc. var. of
tea; In achai chea Yoronata au vitlaitia. My father saw the Llorona.
-ti(a)2 suf. adverb formative (ex.: laautia, slowly; lauti, immediately)
-tia3 suf. applicative suffix (added to verbs in -te; ex.: mohte, be rotting -> mohtia, cause to
disintegrate; pohte, be boiling -> pohtia, boil it for someone)
tia n. aunt (either paternal or maternal); cf. chi’ila, haaka, mamai
tio n. uncle; cf. haavi, kumui, mamai, sama’i, taata
tiempo n. time
tienda n. store, shop
tigre n. tiger
tiikom n. wheat
tiiko posoim n. wheat stew
tiina n. tub
tiisa n. chalk
tiitua tv. make a sound; kusiata ~, play the flute (syn. kuuse)
tiiwe iv. be shy, bashful, ashamed (of = nea, ea, ae, etc.; pst. ~n, tiw-, tittiwe)
tiket n. ticket (syn. voleeto)
tinaaha n. jar
tinaaroa tv., iv. 1. tv. guess (infer) 2. iv. be lucky 3. iv. do by chance (~-); Aapo premiota ~k. He won
the prize. Aapo numeerom ~k. S/he guessed the numbers.; Aapo loteria numeerom ~k. S/he won the
Tiniepla n. Tenebrae
Tinira n. Trinity (var. Trinira)
tinti adv. banging, clanging
tio n. uncle (maternal or paternal); cf. haavi, kumui, mamai, sama’i, taata
tiri’isia n. habit (gestural)
tiri’isiak iv. have a nervous habit
tittiwe iv. be easily embarrassed
tiukove iv., n. be in agony, be on one’s deathbed (tiukop-, tiukokove)
tiura n. embarrassment, shyness, bashfulness
tiurame n. disgrace; tiurampo taawa, be in disgrace
tiusi adj. embarrassing (often with aane, maachi)
~ aayuk iv. was embarrassing; Ne tua tiusi aayuk. I was really embarrassed.
tiw- comb. of tiiwe, be shy
tiwe’e(ra) adj. shy
=to ptc. and so (points out an exception; from into, and); Enchimto ka ha’avosek? And they didn’t
pay you? Itomto ka vehe’etuak. And us he didn’t pay.
to’a tv. pour, lay down (pl. obj.; to’o-, toto’a); kafeta yeu ~, pour coffee
to’e iv. be lying down (pl. subj.; sg. vo’ote; toto-, toto’e)
to’o- comb. of to’a, pour
to’ochia n. dust
to’ochiok iv. be dusty
to’ochorai adj. sheer, transparent (through thin cloth)
to’oka iv. be lying down (pl.; sg. vo’oka; pst. ~n, to’o-, toto’e; s. toyoka); cf. to’ote
to’ona n. guts, stomach lining
to’osaka tv. 1. leave off 2. lay while moving
to’osiime tv. 1. leave off, take along (sg. obj.) 2. to miss (ex.: Baas ne to’osiika. I missed the bus)
to’ote iv. lie down (pl.; sg. vo’ote; ~-, rdp. toto’e); cf. to’oka
tochopola adj. in white; ka ~ cha’ane, will not hang in white (will lie outside the Christian sphere)
toeyam n. towel
toha tv. take it, carry it (sg. obj.; pl obj. weiya; toi-, totoha)
nau toha iv. get together, come together on (with reflexive); Nau em emo toha ian lautipo, vario karim
vetchi’ivo (poster slogan). Get together now for barrio housing.
tohakte iv. bounce (tohakti-)
tohakteme n. bouncing song (one with special rhythm that is difficult for the deer dancer)
tohsaalai adj. whitish
tohta tv. make fade (~-, tohtohta)
tohtaria dv. make fade (something of someone else’s; rdp. tohtohtaria); Huana ne pantalonim ~k.
Jane faded my pants. Pantalonim ne ~k. My pants faded on me.
tohtaroa tv. toast, parch (food)
tohte iv. fade (tohti-, tohtohte)
toiri adj. brought
toiwa iv. be taken, be carried (~-, totoiwa)
yeu ~ iv. be on trial
tokta adv. a lot, with force (with veéva, chochona); Aapo tikta vehetoak. He really paid him a lot. ~
chochonak. He really punched him hard.
tokti adv. too much
toktokta adv. smacking; Aapo ~ veévak. S/he really smacked it.
tolo adj. light blue (s.; toloko)
toloachi n. jimson
tolochivela iv. be scattered (dust)
toloko adj. light blue, grayish (var., tooro, toroko; s. tolo; the blue in the Yoeme flag represents the
open sky under which we all live together with no boundaries); Téeka ~; vaa’am ket ~. The sky is
light blue; so is the water.
toroko huya n. a bush sp.
toma n. stomach (loc. tompo, in the stomach); Keesan tiempo hunaktewaka apo haivu inika tekiata
miiki. Even before he was in the womb, he was destined to have this inheritance (to be a dancer,
singer, etc.).
tompo wante iv. have a stomach ache
toma’arisi n. tomatillo (Physalis sp.)
tomaate n. tomato
tomahektek iv. have a miscarriage
tomi n. 1. money, cash 2. twelve and a half cents, two bits; A: Oona woi ~ vehe’e. B: Hiva peeso. A:
Vusan ~ em nakulia. A: Salt costs twenty-five cents. B: Here’s a dollar. A: You get back seventy-five
cents as change.
woi ~ n. twenty-five cents
naiki ~ n. fifty cents
vusan ~ n. seventy-five cents
~ yo’o iv. earn money
tomi nakuliam n. change (money)
tomin n. coin
tomta tv. 1. tan (hide) 2. disentangle (hair) 3. make hair “alive” by combing it (~-, tomtomta);
chonim ne ~, I make my hair alive by coming it
tomte iv. be budding, blossoming; have smallpox (tomti-, tomtomte)
tomti kateme n. future generations
tomtiam n. smallpox
tomtomtia adv. popping (sound), thumping
tonalai adj. warped
tonna adv. curved, arching, bent, twisted (with hoa, yak)
tonnai adj. warped
tonom n. knee
tonommea weyek iv. kneel
tonua n. joint, segment; second part of a song
toochivei adj. dusty
tooro n. bull
toorom n. puncture vine, bull’s head, goat’s head (Tribalus terrestris; var. chiva kovam, wicha’apo)
toorovoi adj. dusty
toosa n. nest
toosam n. baby blanket
topa’a adj. pot-bellied; U o’ou tu’isi ~. The man is really pot-bellied. U o’ou ka vinwatuk tu’isi ~ekan.
Not long ago, that man man had a pot-belly.
topakta tv. wedge, lift with wedge (~-, toptopakta)
topechei adj. naked, nude
topol n. a small cat sp. (wild)
tori n. rat
Torim n. Torim (lit. rats)
tornio n. bolt
toro kapontei n. steer
toroko adj. var. of toloko, light blue
toroko huya n. a light blue plant sp. (probably Kraneria grayi)
toronha n. grapefruit
toroote n. a plant sp.
tosa’a kovak iv. have gray hair
tosa’a saweam n. underwear
tosai adj. white (cf. tossalai)
~ navo n. Indian fig (type of prickly pear)
~ kuchu n. fish sp. (Sp. corvina)
~sa yoka tv. whitewash
tosaite tv. whiten, whitewash (~-, totosaite)
tosali adj. white
tosisitia adv. crackling (sound)
tossalai adj. pure white
totenne tv. run away from
totenniwame n. the act of running away
totoi n. chicken
~ hamuchia n. hen
~ hisa n. comb (chicken)
~ kari n. chicken house
~ kava n. egg
~ o’owia n. rooster
~ woki n. a plant sp. used for greens
Totoitakuse’epo n. a sacred mountain, the highest peak in the Yaqui country, near Vacam (lit.
Where the Rooster Crows)
totta tv. fold (~-, tottatta)
totte iv. be curving, winding, folded (totti-, tottotte)
tottila adj. folded
tottotte iv. be flexible (syn. aa tottatu)
tovei n. a palm-like tree found in the mountains of Sonora
tovo’ote tv. carry with hands (pst. ~, tovo’oti-, totovo’ote)
tovokta tv., n. 1. pick up with hand 2. take over (sg. obj.; pl. obj. hahau; ~-, totovokta; s. tovokita) 2.
n. harvest
tovoktia tv. pick up (s.; = tovokta)
tovuivuite tv. 1. avoid meeting or dealing with someone 2. run away from (sg.; with yee or pl. obj.;
pl. totettene); Hunu yoeme yee tovuivuik. That man avoided everyone. U yoeme hiva ne ~. The man
always avoids me. Apo ka a vitvaeka a ~. She doesn’t want to see him sho she avoids (him). U misi
chu’uta ~. The is running away from the dog.
toyoka iv. be lying down (pl.; sg. toyoka; s.; = to’oka)
trampa n. hobo, tramp
trahte n. paraphernalia (ceremonial), gear, equipment
trake n. track, rail
traktor n. tractor
trank n. trunk (automobile)
tren n. train
~ traakem n. railroad
~ta weweamtuame n. engineer
triikim n. firecrackers (during processions, at certain times in ceremonies, people set off rockets
and firecrackers to carry the message to Heaven and the people above)
Trinira n. Trinity
trivu n. tribe
trompeta n. trumpet
trono n. throne
trooke n. truck
troopa n. troop
-tu suf. 1. become (ex.: yoemtu, become a person; voatu, grow hair/mold) 2. act as (ex. ya’uttu, act
as a leader); Huan ian polesia. John is now a policeman. Aapo polisiatune. S/he will become a
policeman. Aapo polisiatukan. S/he was a policeman. Aapo polisiatuvae. S/he is a policeman.
tu’i adj. good, clear (understandable), correct (pl. tutu’i); U lotoor ka ~. The doctor is not competent
(cf. aawe).
tua ~, perfect; Hu kafe tua ~. The coffee is perfect.
~ hiapsek adj. kind, good-hearted (var. tu hiapsek)
~ machi iv. 1. be certain, known 2. be potentially good
~ Tukaria n. Christmas Eve
tu’i’ean iv. be useful; ~ kaaroko, a car is useful; ~ tomeko, it is useful to have money
tu’iria iv. get well, better (tu’i-)
tu’isi adv. 1. well 2. a lot, very, too much; U koreo ilitchi; u ehkuela ~ bwe’u. The post office is small;
the school is very large. U parke ~ vasok. The park has a lot of grass. U usi ~ au sua. The child is
ka ~ taawa iv. come to a bad end
ka ~ a vicha iv. experience hardship (syn. ka ~ pasároa)
~ a vicha iv. have a good time
~ … -ne exp. may; Apo tu’isi kampo yeune. S/he may play in the yard.
. ~ yeyewe iv. play fair
tu’isia iv. say good things
tu’ule tv. var. of tu’ure, like; sewata ~ka (s.), loving the flower; Ikasu yo taa’ata vali kuaktemta ~ka,
saniloapo welama (s). Loving the coolness of the enchanted sun’s turning, (I am) walking about in
the grove. Aapo hekata ~. S/he enjoys the wind. U koowi techoata ~. The pig likes the mud. Aapo
ume siki supem ~. The red dress appealed to her.
tu’ulemcha adv. as if liking or enjoying
tu’ulisi adj. var. of tutu’uli, beautiful
tu’uliwame n. the quality of being affectionate
tu’ure tv. adore; appreciate; like, prefer (pst. ~n, tu’uri-, tutu’ure; s. tuyule); Tu’isi au ~, kia kavetau
nonoka. He likes himself so much that he doesn’t speak to anyone.
au ~ iv. be conceited
ka ~ tv. object, oppose
chea ~ tv. prefer
tu’uriwa iv., n. 1. iv. be cherished 2. n. treasure
ka ~ n. objection, opposition
tu’ute tv. fix, repair, mend, clean up (~-, tutu’ute); Ventaanata ne ~ne. I’m going to fix the window.
tu’utei adj. fixed, repaired, cleaned
tu’uti n. repaired, cleaned
tu’uwa n. goodness; ~po, in goodness; ~t weyepo, sacred circumstances; Maria ~ta nooka. Mary is
talking goodness (giving accurate, purposeful advice of religious intent). ~ta weyepo, ka huenasia
hiuwa. Where there is goodness, no bad words are said. Nassuawame tu’isi ka tu’i, kia kaita ~ta itou
nunnu’upa. Fighting is not good; it brings nothing good to us.
-tua suf. causative (added to verbs; verbs derived with this suffix do not change their shape when
other suffixes are added; cf. -te; ex.: hi’ibwatua, forcefeed; kottua, put to sleep; a hichiktua, make her
tua adv., n. 1. adv. truly, certainly, really 2. n. fact; A: ~ ne lotte. B: Enchi ne hiokole. A: I’m
exhausted. B: I feel sorry for you.
~ Hiaki n. full-blooded Yaqui
~ maaso n. Coues whitetail deer
~ tu’i adj. perfect
~ vat Hiakim n. the first real Yoemes
tuaka in: wok ~, n. pine cone
-tukan suf. 1. past tense marker for nonverb predicates (cf. -k, -kan, -tu) 2. pluperfect marker with
verbs (see -la); sialitukan, was green; ya’uttukan, was a leader; A: Tuuka hita taewai? B: Tuuka
Vienestukan. A: What day was it yesterday? B: Yesterday was Friday. U o’ou aman ma’arikan. The
man was buried there. U o’ou aman ma’aritukan. The man was buried there (but no longer is).
tuata n. truth and goodness (< tu’uwata); ~ nooka, speak truth and goodness
tuata venasia adv. as if (as if it were a fact)
tucha’aria tv. erase, wipe out, blot out (~-)
tuchuk wiro n. toro prieto, a tree sp.
tuerka n. nut (with bolt)
tuivit n. killdeer (bird)
tuka anía n. night world (s. tuka aniwa, a Deer song about evening on the earth and the way night
tuka’apo adv. at night (syn. kamachiako); ~ ka amae rehtiwa. One should not walk backwards at
night (especially westward; folk belief; thought to cause one’s mother’s death). ~ ka hitchiwa. No
sweeping at night (folk belief; thought to cause bad luck).
nasuk ~ adv. at midnight
tuka’ariapo adv. at night, during the night (syn. kamachiako); nasuk ~, at midnight
tuka’u ptc. deceased
tukaria n. night (tuka’apo, at night); Tukariau yu maka, haivu ko’okoe. By nightfall, s/he was already
tukariau adv. by nightfall
tunikam n. ceremonial robe
turui adj. thick
turuik kovak adj. hard-headed
Tuson n. Tucson
tutta tv. 1. insert 2. go out for everything, be enthusiastic about anything (~-, tuttutta)
tuttala adj. inserted
tutte iv. sink into ground (liquid; tutti-, tututte)
tuttila adj. sunk, settled into ground; cf. roptila
tuttu’iria iv. improve
tuttuti adv. precisely, exactly; ~ Yoem noka, speak Yoeme fluently; ~ a ta’a, know it thoroughly
tuttutta n. nosey person (in: hahuni au ~); cf. tutta
tuttu’ule tv. like
tutu’uli adj. handsome, beautiful, pretty (re: animates) cf. uhyoi (var. tutu’ulisi)
tutucha iv. close one’s eyes, blink; cf. paata, eta; pusim ~, winking one’s eyes
tutuha n. mano (for grinding stone; syn. tuusa)
tutukam n. scree, gravel eroding from hillside or rock
tutukaviako adv. last night
tutusi adj. ground
tuu adv. well
~ hiapsek adj. kind, amiable
~ hiapsekame n. person with a good heart looking for spiritual empowerment)
tuucha tv. 1. extinguish (fire, light), turn off electricity 2. erase 3. turn off (electricity, lights)
(tuchá’a-, tutucha); Kat am ~. Don’t erase it.
tuuka adv. yesterday
tuuka ketwo adv. yesterday morning
tuuke iv., tv. 1. iv. go out (fire, light) 2. tv. turning off (pst. tuukuk, tuk-, tutuke)
tuulisi adv. beautifully, enjoyably; Apo ~ hichike. She is sweeping beautifully.
tuusa n. mano (syn. tutuha)
tuuse tv. grind (; coarser than mohta; tus- or tuh-, tutuse)
tuusi adj., n. 1. adj. ground (pl. tutusi) 2. n. meal,
tuuva n. 1. tube 2. pipe (plumbing)
tuvukta tv. jump
tuvukte iv. leap, jump down (tuvukti-, tuvutuvukte)
tuwa’apo nooka tv. praise
tuwa’apo nokwame n. praise
tuyule tv. love (s.; tu’ure)