-m suf. 1. plural marker with nouns (var. -im appears if the noun ends in a consonant, with -t changing to
-ch-; ex. uusim, children; hamut, woman/hamuchim, women; wiikit, bird/wiikichim, birds) 2. marker of
mass nouns, including clothing (ex. vaa’am, water; muunim, beans; choonim, head hair; paanim, bread;
supem, dress/dresses; saweam, pants) 3. marker of terms introduced by Spanish culture (especially
tools; ex. livrom, book/books; martiom, hammer; tisiriam, scissors)
-ma suf. go along doing (s. -mai, although -ma is also frequent n song language; ex. hi’ibwama, go along
eating; katema, go along walking; kowema, go along hovering; tekama, go along laying it; weama, be
walking; wikema, be pulling
-machi suf. would be good if; Aapo nokmachi. It would be good f s/he would speak.
-mai suf. var. of -ma, go along dong (s.); Wana yeu weyemai, wana yota karipo (s.). There he goes out,
from the enchanted house.
-mak suf. with (comitatve;, with nouns requires objective case; var. -make used in response; cf. nemak,
emak, aamak, itomak, enchimmak, amemak); Huantamak siika. S/he went with John. A: Aapo
havetamak siika? B: Huantamake. A: Who did s/he go with? B: With John.
-make suf. var. of -mak, with (comitatve)
-me1 suf. 1. the one(s) who, -er (ex. ániame, helper(s); ániakame, the one(s) who helped; aníaneme, the
one(s) who will help) 2. instrumental suffix for deriving nouns (ex. hita bwabwasame, thing for cooking);
cf. -kame, -wame, -mta
-me2 suf. de- (ex. eteme, delouse)
-mea suf. with (instrumental; used plurals; ex. wokimmea weye, go on foot); cf. -e
-met suf. plural form of -t, on/about (a topic); Apo vihtammet nooka. S/he’s talking about the movie.
-mta suf. the one(s) who (obj.); Peo kochemta vusak. Peter woke up the one(s) who were sleeping. Ana
hu’une’eyak waka ama tekpanoamta. I found out the one who works there. Uka chuu’uta nee woemta
hikkahak. He heard the dog that was barking at me. Aapo vepsuwamta vena. He looks like he’s been
beaten up. Aapo hu’unea itom vichakamta. He knows the one who saw us. Aapo hu’unea a vichakamta.
He knows the one who we saw. Aapo hu’unea a vichakamta. He knows the one who saw him. Empo
chuu’uta ne voemta hikkahak? Did you hear the dog that was barking at me? Ne chuu’uta voemta
hikkahak. I heard a dog barking.
ma1 ptc. 1. elicits support from listener 2. look at (points something out (var. maa); Hi’ibwa ma. Let’s
eat. Aapo ma ian lautipo sootak. Look at him, he must have gotten pad today. Maa=su Huan yepsak? So
why did John come?
~ hakwo adv. you see, a long time ago
~ ian adv. and now, told you so
ma2 n. mom, ma; ~ senu yoo hamut bwan enchi nattemai. Mom, there is a woman asking for you.
ma’a tv. bury (~-, mama’a)
ma’ari adj. buried, plastered; techoa ~, plastered with mud
maachante n. customer, client
maachea conj. so why
maachi adj., iv. 1. adj. clear, lighted, focused 2. iv. seem, appear; be light, daylight (fut. machíne, pl.
mamachi); Haisa ~ ume ili uusim. Little children are like that. Kaachim maachi. There’s nothing wrong
(conventional reply).
maachil n. scorpion
maaka n. hammock, crib
maakina n. 1. machine 2. car, automobile 3. sewing machine (syn. hik ~)
maala1 n. 1. mother 2. title of respect used by a man to a woman (n reply to hapchi)
maala2 n. female child (masc.)
maala mecha muuke iv. be a lunar eclipse
maaso n. whitetail deer
maasu adv. how come; ~ sesehtul amemak eteho? How come he talks to them little by little?
Maates n. Tuesday
maatum n. charcoal
maavis n. lark
Maayo1 n. Mayo
Maayo2 n. May
Maayom n. the Mayo country
macham n. thigh
mache’etam n. machete
-machi suf. would be good if; Aapo nokmachi. It would be good if s/he would speak.
machi’iheka n. dawn wind
machi’ira n. sister-n-law
machi’itana n. dawn (var. machiatana; s. mayachiala)
machia iv. 1. appear 2. think to be the case that (~-, mamacha; s. machiwa; cf. ea, pensaroa); Aapo
tomita ho’arapo au ~n. S/he thought that the money was at home. In chi’ila haivu mukiataka huni a
hiapsiwa kosinapo yeu ma~. The ghost of my dead aunt appears by the kitchen.
machiak(o) adv. in broad daylight; Vempo machiak hita etbwak. Something was stolen in broad daylight.
machiauvicha adv. toward dawn
machiku adv. in the light; ka ~, in the dark; ~ weama, walking in the light
machiria n. light, day
machiwa iv. appear (s.; = machia)
machu’unama tv. hold in hand, grasp (machu’unam-,
machuktia n. handful
machusaka iv. make it through the night (with aet yeu); Nian eme a hu’uneyaka aet yeu ~. This you
(must) know to make it through the night.
maehto n. maestro (lay priest), teacher
maehto yo’owe n. head maestro
maestra n. teacher
mahai adj. scared, afraid
mahaika iv. be afraid; Hiatasa ~? What are (you) afraid of?
mahatua tv. frighten
mahau n. freshwater turtle
mahe iv. be scared, avoid people (with yee; mah-, mammahe)
mahiwa iv. scared (of a group), panic
mahkara n. pascola mask
mahkoapa’i n. Euphorba sp.
mahkome’ela n. a deer sp.
mahmahtame n. teacher
mahta tv. teach (~-; mahmahta)
Mahta Me’a tv. Killing the Deer ceremony
mahtawame n. student, apprentice
yee ~ n. teaching
mahti adj. taught
mahveá n. deer skin
-mai suf. var. of -ma, go along doing (s.); Wana yeu weyemai, wana yota karipo (s.). There he goes out,
from the enchanted house.
maiko bees’ nest, wasps’ nest
maikuchi n. rim (of drum)
maineo n. sailor
maisi adv. seemingly, appearing as if; vempo ko’oko ~ aane, as if they were in pain or doing something
painful; Ko’oko ~ au hoa. It looks as if s/he is hurting themself.
maiso n. old deer (elder)
maisooka n. tarantula
maival n. mayate (green beetle sp.)
-mak suf. with (comitatve;, with nouns requires objective case; var. -make used in response; cf. nemak,
emak, aamak, itomak, enchimmak, amemak); Huantamak siika. S/he went with John. A: Aapo
havetamak siika? B: Huantamake. A: Who did s/he go with? B: With John.
maka dv. give (with the understanding of eventual return; mak-, mamaka; cf. miika); maksukan, had
already given t; Aapo ne tomita ~k. S/he gave me money. Aapo ne tomita ~k. S/he gave me some money
(to be repaid).
-make suf. var. of -mak, with (comitatve)
mako’ochini n. guamuchil tree (Pithecellobium dulce) 2. tamarind
makri n. gift
maksaewa iv. supposed to give; Ika ne enchi ~. I am supposed to give this to you.
makucha n. native tobacco
Mala Meecha n. Mother Moon; Taa’a Mala Mechata me’ak. There was a lunar eclipse.
Malekos n. Mark
mali n. fawn (s. = malichi, malit)
malichi n. fawn (s. mali)
malinchi n. apprentice Matachin member
malit n. fawn (s. mali)
malokai adv. altogether
malon n. ground squirrel (Sp. juancito)
mam n. hand;
~ kalalai n. weakness in one’s hands
~ kavam n. biceps
~ kitoktia tv. make a fist
~ ottam n. hand bones
~ pusia sutum n. fingernail
~ tohte iv. clapping
~ veta’aku adv. in one’s palm
~ vetaria n. palm (hand)
mamachi iv. be seen, appear (fut. ~tune)
mamachiku(n) adv. right out in the open; U maaso ~ hi’ibwan. The deer was eating right out in the open.
U maaso ~ weama. The deer is walking right out in the open.
mamachisi(a) adv. (out) in the open; U maaso ~ weama. The deer is walking around in an open area. U
maaso ~ hi’ibwan. The deer was eating in the open (visible, but perhaps not unprotected).
mamai n. aunt (father’s younger sister), uncle (father’s younger brother)
mamaiwachi adj. scary, frightening
mamak iv. have hands
mamaka tv. have one’s hands on (syn. aet mamne)
mamam n. paw
~ tottotte’epo, n. wrist
~mea, adv. by hand
mamato tv. imitate, copy (~-, no rdp.)
mamma iv. touch, move hands; handle (pst. ~n, ~-, no rdp.); aet ~, put one’s hand on; Ka aet ~ iniachi.
Don’t touch this. Ka kia huni have aet ~ne. Not just anyone can handle it.
mammahe iv. be easily frightened
mammatchu rdp. rdp. of matchu, become morning
mammatte tv. notice, observe; study (observe closely; cf. ehtudiaroa); know well
aet ~ tv. instruct, give lessons to
vat a ~ tv. think over, consider
mammattewame n. comprehension, understanding
mamne tv. have one’s hands on (with aet; syn. mamaka)
mamni num. five
~ sentavo n. nickel (coin)
~ takam num. hundred
mamnimpo adv. (at) five o’clock
mamnisia adv. five times
mampusam n. finger(s)
mamte tv. touch it with hand (~-)
mamtepachi adv. while resting one’s hand; Aapo weche aet ~. While resting his hands, he fell.
mamyam n. a plant used for greens, perhaps black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
mana tv. set, put on flat surface (maná’a-, mamana); Muunim ama ~ka. She put the beans in a pot to
mana’aria n. mold (for shaping things)
manda n. vow
mandamento n. commandment
manek iv. be situated (massive object; pst. ~an, fut. mammanne, rdp. mamane)
manharoa tv. drive (vehicle)
maniheo n. driver (vehicle)
mansaana n. apple
mansaniya n. 1. chamomile 2. a tree sp.
manso adj. tame, gentle
manteeka n. lard
manteelim n. tablecloth
mantekia n. butter, margarine
mantekiatua tv. spread butter; Inepo paanim ~k. I buttered the bread.
manto n. cultivated morning glory (Ipomoea carnosa)
Mao adj. Mayo
Mao noka iv. speak Mayo
Mao noki n. the Mayo language
maohte tv. clear (land; maohti-, no rdp.)
maomeo n. acrobat (var. maromeo)
mapa n. map; Aapo ~u imak hikkubwak. S/he pointed at the map with this.
mapoa n. bracelet
mareha n. wave (water, air)
mariposa n. moth
markaroa tv. mark, tag
Markoopa n. Maricopa
marooma iv. do acrobatics (~-, mamarooma)
Marso n. March
martiom n. hammer
martiresi n. martyr
masa n. 1. wing 2. Matachin wand (syn. palma)
~ vaite iv. flapping its wings
masa’asai n. coral vine, queen’s wreath (plant; Antigonon leptopus; lit. winged older brother)
masatana n. turn right
masiwe n. centipede
maso comb. of maaso, deer
~ bwasia, n. deer tail
~ bwika yo’owe, n. head deer singer
~ bwikam, n. deer songs (the Deer songs ask and call the Deer from the East; the Deer dancer is our link
to the perfect world of the Sea Ania)
~ bwikame, n. deer singer(s)
~ kova, n. deer head
~ kuta, n. Mormon tea, a herb (Ephedra sp.)
~ nehhawa bwikam, n. deer running song
~ pipi, n. a common vine found especially in mesquite trees (Sarcostemma sp.; lit. deer tit)
~ sutum, n. deer hoof
~ ye’eme, n. deer dancer
~ yeu weye, n. third song played or danced
Masokova n. Dear’s Head (mountain in Son.)
masoleo n. deer hunter
mata n. metate, grinding stone
mata’e n. kit fox
Matachin n. 1. Matachin Society member 2. referring to this Society
~ kovanao n. head of the Matachin Society
~m n. Matachin Society
matchu iv. 1. become morning, break (day) 2. stay up all night, keep vigil (~-, mammatchu)
matchu vicha bwikam n. toward morning songs
matchuk(o) adv. 1. at daybreak 2. the day after tomorrow
mate n. cicada
maukaapo adv. before dawn
maukaroa iv. get up before dawn, get up early
maukaroapo adv. before dawn
mavem n. a plant sp.
maveta tv. accept, receive (mavet-, mavveta)
mavetla adj. accepted, received Havu a ~tukan. S/he’s already been accepted. It’s been received already.
mawokte iv. put on shoes and socks
maya iv. 1. toss at, hurl at (at = d.o. in Yoeme) 2. be struck by lightening (mayá’a-, mama or mamaya)
maya’i n. fire already built
mayachiala n. dawn (s.; = machi’itana)
mayoa n. edge
-me suf. 1. the one(s) who, -er (ex. aníame, helper(s); aníakame, the one(s) who helped; aníaneme, the
one(s) who will help) 2. instrumental suffix for deriving nouns (ex. hita bwabwasame, thing for cooking);
cf. -kame, -wame, -mta
me’a tv. kill (sg. obj.; pl. obj. sua; me’e-, no hab. for sg. for which use yee sussua)
mechi postp. on
me’e- comb. of me’a, kill (sg. obj.)
me’gliya n. jeans, pants
-mea suf. with (instrumental; used plurals; ex. wokimmea weye, go on foot); cf. -e
meecha n. moon, month; tasaria mechat, in the summer months; chikti mecham, every month; Meecha
tapuniak etne. We’ll plant when the moon is full.
mecha comb. of meecha, moon
~ kari, n. halo around the moon
~ muuke iv. be a lunar eclipse (during a lunar eclipse, people make noise and shout to wake the Moon
out of her sleep; pregnant women should not watch an eclipse or even go outside or the Moon will eat
the unborn child which will then be deformed)
mechawa n. facial discoloration, liver spots, pregnancy mask
meesa n. table
mehe’eria n. forehead (in: kova ~; kova mehe’eku, on the forehead)
Mehiko n. Mexico
meka’atana adv. from far away
mekhikachi adv. too high, out of reach
mekka adv. far; mekka ko’omi, deep, down deep; ~ kom wechek. He fell way down.
mekka’e interj. back off, get away
mekkaikut adv. in a faraway place
~ weama iv. be abroad
memoria n. memory; tu’ik ~kame, one with a good memory
meram n. stockings
merkao n. market; ~po, at the market
-met suf. plural form of -t, on/about (a topic)
metela iv. have legs crossed
metro n. meter
mielim n. honey (syn. mumu ~)
mihmo adv. by one’s self; Apo ~ au koko’osi yak. He himself injured himself.
miika dv. give (for keeps, without expectation of eventual return; mik-, mimika; cf. maka; Aapo ne
tomita ~k. S/he gave me some money. Tua wa maso bwikreo yo’owe ka amau vicha viva mimika. The
head deer singer does not give cigarettes to those behind him. Dios taewaim ne ~. God gives me the
days. Aapo ne tomita kiikak. S/he gave me the money (as a gift).
animam ~ dv. give food to the departed
miiki n. gift
miil num. thousand
miina n. mine (ore, minerals)
miisa n. mass (ceremony; comb. misa)
miisam n. host (in communion)
~ bwa’e tv. take Holy communion
~ teuwa tv. say mass (syn. misate, misa hoa)
miisi n. cat
miiya n. mile
mik- comb. of miika, give
mikkoi adj. left-handed
mikko’otana adv. on the left
mikwame n. gift, item given (with yee); Ika yee makwamta, enchi ne makvae. This gift I want to present
to you.
mil num. thousand (comb. of miil)
milagroso n. miracle
mimika n. giver, donor
au ~ tv. assure
mina n. mine (mineral)
minai n. melon, cantaloupe
mineo n. miner; I ~ta karitukan. This was a miner’s shack.
Miokoles n. Wednesday
misa comb. of miisa, mass
~ hoa tv. say mass
~ vicha tv. hear mass
misate iv. say mass (syn. imsa hoa)
~wa iv. mass is being said
misterio n. mystery
mo’a n. tassel (corn), head (grass, grain), tuft
mo’el n. sparrow, wren
mo’oko n. tumbleweed
mo’ola n. pile, heap
mo’one(wai) n. son-n-law
mocha’ala adv. in clusters, in a group, in a pile
mochakte iv. assemble, gather as a group (mochakt-, mochamochakte)
mochila n. bag, knapsack
mochik n. tortoise
mochomo n. driver, leaf-cutter ants
moe’esom n. tonsils
moela adj. var. of moera, old (inanimates)
moera n. 1. old (inanimates), worn out, tattered (s. molewa) 2. used terms (n pl.); Hunu o’outa maakina
tu’isi ~. That man’s vehicle is really run-down.
mohakta tv. take apart (~-, mohamohakta)
mohakte tv. crumble, tear apart; look over, look through (mohakti-, mohamohakte)
mohta tv. grind finely to a powder, pulverize (finer than tuuse; ~-, mohmohta)
mohtasa n. 1. mustard 2. a wild plant, possibly tansy
mohte iv. disintegrating, rotting, crumbling (mohti-, mohmohte)
mohti adj. powdered, pulverized
mohtiari n. powder
mohtia tv. cause to disintegrate
moi- comb. of mooye, wear out
moina tv. shoot (~-, moimoina)
moita tv. plow (~-, momota); Tua tu’i ~k. He really plowed up a storm.
moite iv. be plowing (mohti-, momote)
molestaroa tv. bother, molest (syn. suate vicha)
molewa n. old, tattered (pl. ~im; s.; = moela)
momochala adv. in groups
momoi adj. ripe, mature; cf. bwase, momok
momoik adj. ripening
momoti adv. murmuring (with hia, nooka)
momotia iv. be murmuring (momotiu-; < momoti + hia)
Monaha n. Matachin leaders
monte iv. speak, comment (only in negative); ka au ~k, didn’t speak to him; Kat ~k. Don’t say anything.
monti adv. in heaps, piles
monto tv. pile (~-, momonto); Ama a ~. Pile it there.
moo comb. of moro, moor
moono n. monkey (Son.; cf. chango)
moochi n. a plant sp.
mooroma n. foreman
moosen n. sea turtle
mooye iv. wearing out, getting old, rotting (mo-, momoye)
morao adj. purple; Pa’asim ka huhusai; chea momorao. Raisins aren’t brown; (they’re) purple.
mordida n. bribe
morea n. witchcraft
moreakame n. intelligent person, one have ability; ~ ka ko’oko’ita bwabwa’e. Smart/psychic people can’t
eat chile (folk belief).
Moro n. 1. the manager of the pascolas 2. manager (gen.)
~ kuta n. the pascolas’ manager’s stick
~ Ya’ut n. head of the Moor Society
Morom n. Moor Society
Moroya’uchim n. Moor society
mortifikaroa tv. mortify
moso’okia n. ring (for carrying pots)
motcha n. heaps, piles
~ kaáte iv. walking, clustering
motchala adv. in a group, in a pile
motcho’okoli n. horned toad
motoor n. motor, engine
move’i n. hat
~te, put on a hat
movekta tv. turn upside down, overturn (~-, movemovekta)
movekti adj. turned upside down
movektia n. crown, apex, top
movektiam n. 1. cloth wimple for covering head of deer dancer 2. head covering for women and men
carrying the holy images; itom Ae movektiam, embroidered headcloth
movela adv. upside down
moyok adj. rusted, rotting, dilapidated
-mta suf. the one(s) who (obj.)
muevlem n. furniture
muhe tv. shoot (pst. muhuk, mui-, mumuhe; cf. muuripo)
muhiri adj. shot
muhsu adv. with one’s head down
muhte iv. 1. genuflect, venerate, worship 2. confirm (muhti-, muhmuhte)
muhti n. 1. devotion, worship 2. confirmation
muhtila adj. confirmed
mui- comb. of muhe, shoot
muhuk pst. of muhe, shoot
muina n. mill
muk- comb. of muuke, die (sg.)
mukila n. recently deceased
~ velaroawa n. wake (ceremony)
mule’etam n. crutches; ~mea weama, walk on crutches
mumuhe tv. be shooting (mumui-)
mumui- comb. of mumuhe, be shooting
mumu n. comb. of muumu, bee
~ kari n. bee hive (cf. mako)~ va’awa. n. honey
mumum n. honey
mun comb. of muun, bean
~ chihtim n. mashed beans
~ nohim n. bean tamales
~ ro’ovoim n. cooked beans
~ va’awa n. bean broth, bean soup
~ vakim n. cooked beans
tosai ~im n. lima beans
mundo n. world (ser.; syn. ánia)
munyeeka n. doll
mureo n. ocotillo (Fouqueria splendens)
musa’ala adj. funny, amusing; ~ maachi, be funny
musa’aule tv. consider funny (musa’auli-, mumusa’aule)
museo1 n. senita (Lophocereus schotti), a small cactus similar to organpipe
museo2 n. museum
musiko n. musician
musukte iv. bow one’s head (musukti-, musumusukte)
musula adv. sitting with head down
muteka n. pillow
muu’u n. owl
muucha tv. lose someone through death, be bereaved; cf. himucha
muuke iv. die (sg.; pl. koko; pst. muukuk, muk-, mumuke)
muukia n. ghost, apparition
muula n. 1. mule 2. sterile; U hamut han mula tea. They say the woman is sterile.
muukuk pst. of muuke, die (sg.)
muumu n. bee; cf. mumuli
muun n. bean
muura n. mule
muuripo n. wound (from a shot)