-ya suf. transitive verb marker (lost in reduplication; ex.: chaya, tether/hang it -> chatcha; ko’omamaya,
knock it down -> ko’omamama)
ya’a- comb. of hoa, do/make
ya’ane n. 1. shape, form 2. foundation
ya’ari adj. made; hunen ~, it has been made like that
ya’aria dv. make; Inepo karita a ~k. This house was made along time ago.
ya’atek iv. quit (momentarily); Apo hiohte ~. He quit writing (for now).
ya’avae tv. try, attempt
ya’awak adj. made; I kari winvwatuk ~. This house was made a long time ago.
ya’e’etia iv. yelp (ya’e’eti-)
ya’uchim n. big beads in rosary
ya’uchiwa n. 1. leadership 2. God, Jesus
ya’ura n. 1. authority, leadership, reign 2. religious society 3. power, right 4. council
ya’uram n. government
ya’ut n. chief, leader
yaa tv. 1. do, make 2. proceed, go ahead according to plan 3. found, establish (ya’a-); cf. aayu, haleksia,
yaate; A te a ya’ane. We’ll go ahead (as planned). Vem nasionta ~k. They founded a nation.
ili ___ta ~, shorten; Te ili orita te ya’ane. We’ll shorten it.
yaaha rdp. of yaha, arrive (pl.)
yaak pst. of hoa, do/make
yaakame n. producer, maker, manufacturer
yaate iv. finish up, stop (activity) (yaati-, yaayate)
yaati adj. complete, end
yaatitua tv. stop
yaatituari adj. stopped, ceased, lapsed
yaave n. faucet; ~ chakte. The faucet is leaking.
yaavem n. key
yaayate rdp. of yaate, finish
yaha iv. arrive (pl.; sg. yepsa; yai-, yaaha); yaahisukame, the ones that used to come; ~’em. Come in
(polite invitation). Alleaka ~’em. Come in happiness.
yahame n. arriving persons
yai- comb. of yaha, arrive (pl.)
yaiwa’apo, nau n. conference
yamyamti adv. loudly (with nooka)
yantam n. tire (vehicle)
yantela adj. carefree, not worried, not concerned, confident (var. yante’ela; cf. suatea)
yantelwame n. peace, being calm and relaxed
~ yaa tv. make peace
yanti adj. quiet, peaceful
yanti maachi iv. peaceful, calm, quiet, still, well-behaved
yantia iv. behave
yantiachi adj. well behaved
yantitua tv. pacify, soothe; Apo ili usita ~. She is making the child quiet.
yaplo n. devil
Yasikue n. an enchanted mountain by Guasimas
yatitua tv. make stop; Apo a asoawa bwan ~. She is making her baby stop crying.
yatta tv. sip (syn. chipta; ~-, yatyatta)
yavarai n. flounder (fish)
yavemmea etapo tv. unlock
yayatitua tv. try to get one to stop crying
ye’e iv. dance (pst. ~ka, yi’i-, yeye’e); Have Maso yi’ivae ian tukapo? Who is going to dance the Deer
ye’eka n. one who danced
yea adv. var. of yea’a, out
yea’a adv. out, outwards (var. yea)
yeabwise tv. snitch, inform on (yeabwih-, yeabwibwise)
yeatoha tv. take outside (sg. obj.; pl. obj. yewamtoha; yeatoi-, yeatotoha); Inepo sankoata ~k. I took out
the trash.
yecha tv. 1. put, set, place it 2. take off (clothing) 3. awaken, get someone up (sg. obj.; pl. hoa2; yechá’a-,
yeecha); Vempo tu’isi au a ~k am ánia”i’akai. They appealed to him to help them. Vempo haivu nau a
yecha’alatukan vem hoarata naatevaekai. They have already made the arrangements to establish a
au a ~ dv. make an earnest request
teawam ~ tv. sign (signature; syn. firmaroa)
nokiu vicha ~, tv. interprete, translate
yecha’ala n. plan, design
yecha’ari adj. set, appointed (date)
~ taewai n. date, appointment
yee pn. people in general (used only as an obj.)
~ a’asoatuame, n. midwife
~ a’awiria iv. fattening
~ hihittome n. doctor (syn. lootor)
~ eteoria tv. talk relate news
~ hihikkaituanme n. hearing aid
~ Hunaktekame n. Creator
~ kekeme n. biting animal or insect
~ mahte dv. teach
~ mahmahtame n. teacher
~ mikwame n. gift
~ nakwame n. caring, loving compassionate person
~ nanasonteme n. sorcerer, witch
~ omta tv. hate, despise
~ ovetave tv. make a person lazy; Apo ne ovetavek. He made me lazy.
~ sisivome n. sorcerer
~ sivowame n. curse, hex
~ sussuame n. killer, murderer
~ vaitatta’ame n. dishonest person
~ vaitatta’a iv. be a trickster, deceiver
~ vemmumucha n. whipper
~ vicha tv. read someone’s mind
~ yo’ore iv. be respectful, considerate, polite
~ yo’oriwa, n. respect (the act of respecting)
~ yo’oriwame n. respect
yeecha rdp. of yecha, put
yeeka iv. 1. capable, able 2. dominate, govern (~-, no rdp.); ka mamam ~ iv. be paralyzed in the arms
yeepsa rdp. of yepsa, arrive (sg.)
yeesa iv sit down (sg.; used in imp. only); cf. yehte
yeete iv. doze off, fall asleep (~-, yeeyete)
yeetem n. drowsiness, sleepiness; ~ ne womtavae. I’m warding off sleepiness.
yeewa tv. 1. play with 2. caress, fondle (yewá-, yeyewa)
yeewari adj. has been played with
yeewe iv. play (yew-, yeyewe)
yeewi adv. towards outside (var. yeu); cf. yewim, pa’akuni
yehte iv. 1. sit down, settle down 2. land (ship, airplane) (sg. subj.; imp. yeesa’e, ~-, rdp. yehyehte, prob.
yeehte; pl. hoote); cf. yeesa
amae ~ iv. change one’s mind
yehtetua tv. seat
yeka n. 1. nose 2. hood (of car)
~ pohna n. bloody nose
~ woho’oriam n. nostrils
yeka’ara n. big-nosed
yeleo n. refrigerator
yena tv. smoke (yen-, yeyena)
yepsa iv. arrive (sg.; pl. yaha; yevis- or yevih-, yeepsa); Yuku ~k. The rain came.
yepsame n. arriving person
yervawena n. mint (plant)
yet adv. 1. about, here and there 2. about other people; ~ nonoka. (S/he) talks about other people.
~ nokwame n. gossip
~ nooka iv. gossip
yeu adv. 1. out (s. yewi, yeulu, yewilu, yewulu) 2. outwards, towards outside (var. yeewi); ~ im kaáte,
walking out; ~ im saka, (they) left
~ bwikam n. play songs
~ chuchupe iv. develop, manifest
~ hiiwe iv. peek out
~ kakatwa’apo n. exit (passage)
~ machia iv. appear (vision), come out (something new)
~ poota tv. push aside; yeu a pootak, pushed it aside
~ pua tv. appoint
~ sasakawa’apo n. branch off, exit (freeway)
~ siime iv. happen, occur, transpire
~ sikame n. event
~ tahtia adv. throughout
~ toha tv. deport (sg. obj.; pl. yeu weiya)
~ ve’e tv. exceed, surpass
~ vuite iv. escape (pl. ~ tenne)
~ watta tv. throw out
~ we iv. be coming up (sun, moon)
~ wo’ota, tv. throw away, throw out
~ wike tv. extract, withdraw, pull it out; Vempo orota kawimpo ~ wike. They extract gold out of the
~ wokte iv. take off (garments below waist)
~ yoemtu iv. be born
~ yoemtukapo n. birthplace
yeu’ave’a tv. save, reserve (yeu’avi’i-, yeu’aveve’a)
yeu’aveve’a tv. leave out, exclude
yeuleo n. player (game, sports)
yeulu adv. out (s.; = yeu)
yeusu adv. (s. yeulu)
yeuwame n. 1. game, sport 2. drama, skit
yevicha iv. have a particular attitude (with haana or tu’isi)
yevih- comb. of yepsa, arrive (sg.)
yevis- comb. of yepsa, arrive (sg.)
yevuku n. forager, hermit, hunter (forager)
Yevuku Yoeme n. Forager
yew- comb. of yeewe, play
yewá- comb. of yeewa, play with
yewa’ave’ene tv. leave out (for convenience)
yewamtoha tv. take out (pl. obj.; sg. yeatoha)
yeweli adv. var. of yewi
yewi(lu) adv. out (s.; = yeu)
yewulu adv. out (s.; = yeu); Aa sewailo malichi ~ siika (s.). The beflowered fawn went out.
yeye’eme n. dancer
yeyename n. smoker
yi’i- comb. of ye’e, dance
yi’ireo n. dancer
yi’iriawa iv. dance for someone
yi’itevo iv. sponsor a dance; Vempo yoko ~ne. They’re sponsoring a dance tomorrow.
yi’itua tv. make someone dance
yi’iwa n. dance (event)
yi’iwame n. dance (act of dancing)
yo adj. enchanted (s. yosi)
~’ota hamne iv. will arrive in the presence of God
~ Anía n. Enchanted World (the supernatural world, the essence of the huya anía or its spiritual
dimension which gives humans, including the pahko’ola and Deer dancer, powers and ability to do
perform the rituals connected with the Yo Anía; said to be reached in several days time or through a
special caves or springs; cf. Sea Anía)
~ chiva’ato n. enchanted goat
~ hiapsiwame, n. eternal life
~ ho’ara n. enchanted home
~ Mumuli n. Enchanted Bee (syn. Sea Hamut; some versions of the myth have both ~ Mumuli and Sea
Hamut as twin sisters who interpret for the Talking Tree)
~ Vaa’am n. Enchanted Water
~ vakau n. a bamboo sp. (perhaps Chuskea or Arandinaria)
~ ya’awa iv. become a leader
~ yi’iwak n. dance of enchantment
~ Yi’iwaka’apo, n. place where they had a dance of enchantment before the arrival of the Spanish which
is barren, not even having weeds; the ones who rejected baptism went underground to form their own
existence as Surem
~ ya’awak, adj. being completed (made into an elder by marrying one off)
~ yoleme n. enchanted person
yo’o tv. win (yo’ó-, yoyo’o)
yo’okame n. victor, winner, champion
yo’oliwa iv. be respected (s.; cf. yo’oriwa)
yo’ora n. elders, ancestors (syn. yo’owam)
yo’ore tv. respect, venerate (yo’ori-, yoyo’ore)
yo’ori adv. respectable (with maisi; var. yoriwa)
yo’oria tv. win for
yo’oriwa iv. be respected, sacred (syn. yo’oliwa); Wa karpeta ~. The carpet (the deer singers sit on) is
taewai ~ n. birthday
yo’oriwame n. 1. respected person 2. respect
yo’oritevo tv. make self respectable (~-, no. rdp.)
yo’otu iv., adj. mature, grow old or tall (~-, yoyo’otu ~ yo’oyo’otu); hapti ~, grow tall (persons); tevesi ~,
grow tall (plants); ke a ~o…, before it gets old (while still young)
yo’otui n. old person, elder (affectionate var. yo’otuli; pl. yoyo’otuim)
Yo’otui Hahawa n. Maundy Thursday (lit. running of the honored Old Man)
yo’oturia iv. raise (child); tv. grow (in skills or maturity; used with reflexive); Vempo emo ~. They are
making themselves grow.
yo’owam n. elders (collectively), ancestors; var. yo’ora
yo’owe n. elder
yo’owe kus n. village cross
yoa tv., iv. 1. tv. shake, rock (cradle, hammock) 2. iv. tremble (pst. ~n, yoo-, yoyoa)
au ~ iv. shiver
yoawa n. animal (gen.); wild animals
~ lotoor n. veterinarian
~ noki n. language of the animals
~ta hippuwa’apo n. zoo
yoem n. comb. of yoeme, person/Yoeme (Yaqui)
~ chupia n. condemned person
~ noka iv. speak Yoeme
~ noki n. the Yoeme language
~ nokpo adv. in the Yoeme language
~ Pueplo n. Yoem Pueblo (at Marana)
yoeme n. person, human (s. yoleme; comb. yoem)
yoemia n. 1. family 2. the Yoemes (collectively) (var. yoemria)
yoemiak iv. have a child or children
yoemiarim n. children
yoemiawam n. offspring (children)
yoemra n. humanity
yoemria var. of yoemia, family
yoemte iv. make into a person (~-)
yoemtu iv. 1. be born 2. become an adult (~-)
yoemtukapo n. birthplace, hometown in: a yeu ~)
Yoemtuwame n. being a person, Yoeme
yoene iv. (used in certain fixed invitations)
siok ~ exp. cheer up, keep your chin up (even though you’re sad or in mourning)
suka ~ exp. warm yourself, come and sit by the fire
vaa ~ exp. have a drink of water
vali ~ exp. come cool off
yoeria n. insect, bug (gen.)
Yoeta n. sound of the spirit of the wilderness(or the spirit itself which roams the wilds whistling),
sometimes thought of as a cowboy
yoh- comb. of yosia, warm up
yohte iv. 1. fall, drop (rain, precipitation, particles) 2. shed (fur) (yohti-, yohyohte)
Yoi n. Mexican
~ muunim n. black-eyed peas
~ noki n. Spanish (language
~ sana n. sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum)
~ yi’iwa n. European dance
yoka tv. paint, mark, color (yoká’a-), yoyoka)
yokak adj. colored
yoka’i n. picture, painting, mark
yoki iv. be stained (yok-)
yoko n. comb. of yoóko, tommorrow
~ ketwo adv. tomorrow morning (syn. yokosu)
~ matchuko adv. day after tomorrow , tomorrow morning
yokok adj. stained
yokoriapo adv. the next day
yokosu adv. tomorrow morning (syn. yoko ketwo)
yokta tv. stain (~-, yoyokta)
yokte iv. stain (yokti-, yoyokte)
yokti adj. stained
yoleme n. person (in song language)
yoliwa n. sacred, respected
yoo- comb. of yoa, shake
yoo adj. old (animates)
~ chapayeka n. head Chapayeka
~ chupa iv. live to a ripe old age
~ hamut n. 1. older woman 2. woman in charge of a society
~ maehto tn. head maestro
~ monaha n. head Matachin dancer
~ pahko’ola n. head pascola
~ woo’ochi n. large grasshopper sp.
~ yuuma tv. overpower, conquer
yóoko adj., n. spotted, jaguar
~ muunim, n. pinto beans
yoóko adv. tomorrow
~ kupteo adv. tomorrow evening
yoókote iv. make multicolored
yoopi’opi’okte iv. go up and down
Yoroona n. the Llorona (folkloric figure); In achai chea Yoronta au vitlatia. My father saw the Llorona.
yoore iv. heal (any part of body; yoré’e-, yoyore)
yoosi adv. just because; Empo ~ta tekipanoa. Just because you’re working…
yooyopna rdp. of yopna, answer
yoré’e- comb. of yoore, heal
yopna tv. answer, reply (~-, yooyopna); Iniamak emo nok ~, wa tampaleo into wa aapaleo. The fifedrum player and harpist answer each other in this way.
yopnawame n. reply, answer
Yori n. 1. Mexican (var. Yoi) 2. humanoid Chapayeka mask
yosi adj. 1. hot, heated 2. esteemed, venerable 3. enchanted (s.; = yo); cf. yossia; Ala aman tewekapo
tua ~ maachi (s.). Well, there in heaven it truly appears enchanted.
~ eiya tv. adore, love, cherish
~ hia iv. say good things about
yosia tv. warm up (yoh-, yossia)
yossia iv. get hot, heat up readily (~-)
yotohta iv. become dull (used only with bwawi, sharp)
yotohti adv. with a thud or clank
yotta tv. depress, press a single spot (~-, yotyotta)
yotti adj. pressed (ex.: button); Haivu ~tukan. It was already pressed.
yotui kova n. a cactus sp.
yotuli n. old person
Yoyo Kawi n. Enchanted Mountain
yoyo’ora n. elders (collectively), ancestors
yoyo’otuk adj. big, old (pl.; cf. yo’otu)
yoyo’otukan iv. oldtimer, long term resident
yoyo’owam n. ancestors
yoyoma adj. enchanting (s.)
yu interj. hey, look, behold (var. yuu at the beginning of an utterance); Vicha, yu! Hey, look~ Yuu,
sochik! Look, a bat!
yu’a tv. push (yu’u-, yuyu’a)
yu’e tv. 1. able to open, unfasten, undo 2. able to convince; control, dominate, boss around (yu’i-, yuyu’e);
Vempo ka am ~. They can’t control them.
yu’u- comb. of yuume, get tired
yu’uni adv., n. 1. adv. much 2. n. plenty, abundance; cf. yuin(i)
yu’uria tv. push
yuin(i) adv., 1. adv. a lot, much (amounts; cf. ousi, unna); ~ chuvva, in a little while longer
~ ea iv. feel better
~ tekwak iv. 1. be pleasingly plump, stocky (people) 2. be meaty (animals) 3. have a strong flavor
yuke iv. rain (pst. yukuk, yuk-, yuyuke)
yuku n. 1. rain (yuke’epo, in the rain) 2. paloverde beetle
~ bwikam n. rain song
~ chaktia n. raindrop
~ heka n. thunderstorm, storm
~ hima’i n. lightening stike, bolt of lightening
~ himak iv. be a lightening strike
~ Naamu, n. Storm Cloud (wife of the god Yuku, Rain)
~ omte iv. thunder
~ ruutia iv. thunder
~ ve’oktia n. lightening
~ ve’okte iv. be lightening out (tongue)
~ wiroata saila n. a plant sp.
yum adv. var. of um, there
yuma iv. reach a point in time, attain a goal (pst. yumuk; yumá’a-, yuyyuma); Kaveta au ~suk. No one
has attained it. Kia ne Yevuku Yolemta wikoli ne yo ~takai… ka ne huni into ne inia ániat ne na ne
welamsisimne (s). Yevuku Yoleme’s bow overpowered me… never again will I, on this world, be walking
around. In noki ka au ~’ane. May my words not reach her/him (in speaking of the deceased).
yumá’a- comb. of yuuma2, capable
yuma’i n. complete or right amount; Vempo ~k a makak. They gave the right amount.
ka ~ n. freak (mentally disabled or physically deformed
yuma’isi(a) adv. completely, entirely; Aapo yuma’isia lionokak. S/he prayed completely.
yumhoe iv. rest (~-, yumhohhoe)
yumhoek iv. be rested (pst. ~an, fut. yumhoene)
yumhoene exp. come take a rest, take a load off your feet
yumhoiria n. relief
yumia iv. be exhausted (~-, yuyumia; s. yumila; cf. lotte); tekilpo ~, exhausted from working
yumila iv. be exhausted (s.; = yumia); vuiti ~, exhausted from running (s.)
yumvaekai iv. tire one’s self (no tenses other than pres. usual)
yuu interj. look
Yuuma1 n. Yuma, Quechan
yuuma2 iv., tv. 1. iv. capable (of carrying, holding up) 2. tv. overcome, overpower (~-, yumá’a-, yuyuma)
ka au ~ iv. be agile
yuume iv. get tired (yum-, yuyume)
yuutu in: ka ~ iv. be persistent
yuuya adj. antique, old-fashioned; shabby
yuva(li) iv. wash one’s self, bathe (s.; = uva)
yuyuma’isi adv. completely, totally
yuyyuma rdp. of yuma, reach a poin