-u postp. suffix with two distinct uses (var. -wi; when used with nouns, the objective case is
required; paradigm: neu, eu, au, itou, emou, ameu)
1. to, toward; Aapo hamuttau weamak. S/he walked toward the woman. U o’ou kava’it tekileu
weweama. The man rides a horse to work.
2. from, when referring to transactions; Maria paanim Lupitau hinuk. Mary bought bread from
Lupe. Aapo kava’ita Hosetau mil peesapo hinuk. He bought the horse from Joe for a thousand
-‘u suf. used to form relative clauses (the subject of which is in the objective case; cf. -po); Apo
hu’uneiya haveeta a vichaka’u. He1 knows the one who he1 saw. Apo hu’uneiya haveeta apo’ik
vichaka’u. He1 knows the one who he2 saw. Aapo hu’uneiya itom vichakau. He knows the one
who we saw. Ne ka hu’uneiya hita em teuwa’u. I don’t know what you’re saying. Empo hu’uneiya
hita em teuwaka’u? Do you know what you said?
u pn. that (close; var. huu, hunu; obj. uka, pl. ume); Empo uka yoemta maakina hinune? Are you
going to buy that man’s car? Itepo ka u uusita chuu’u vitchuk. It was not the child’s dog that we
were looking at.
u”a rdp. of u’a, take away
u”ura rdp. of uura, take away
u’a tv. take away (u’áa-, u”a); cf. uura
u’ari adj. taken away; Vempo bwiata ~. The land had been taken away from them.
u’u pn. that (close; emph.)
u’ura tv. be taking away
u’use iv. be fertile, able to have children (man)
u’ute iv. strong (re: animals, humans; no tenses other than present usual); cf. utte’ak
uhbwana tv. make a ceremonial request (uhbwan-, uhbwabwana)
uhbwani n. ceremonial request
uhteak iv. be surnamed
uhteam n. last name, surname
uhu’u tv. take care of, raise children (~-, no rdp.); Aapo ili usita ~. She is raising a family.
uhu’ume n. care (re: children, elderly)
uhu’ureo n. babysitter
uhu’uwame n. act taking care of children
uhyoi iv. 1. be beautiful 2. interesting(inanimates; var. uhyooli; s. usyoli); U teopo tu’isi ~. the
church is beautiful.
uhyoisi(a) adv. beautifully (s. usyolisi); U altaria ~ seewak. The altar is beautifully decorated with
uhyooli var. of uhyoi, beautiful
uka pn. obj. of u, that (paus. uka’a)
ukkule tv. desire (re: especially food; ukkul-, no rdp.; cf. veutia); Haivu ka a ~. He has no desire for
ultimo n. last one
chea ~ n. the very last one
um adv. there (close, but farther away than aman(i); var. yum); cf. hunam(a)
ume pn. those (close; paus. ume’e)
umu’u adv. there (close; emph.)
una vahti n. tuning used at midnight
unen adv. thus
Ungara n. Gypsy
universita n. university
unna adv. a lot, too much (excessive mount; cf. ousi, yuin); ~ yukuk. It rained a lot. Aapo ~ itom
tekpanatua. He’s making us work too much.
~ bwe’u adj. huge, gigantic
~ hi’ibwak iv. overate (syn. ama vuhti hi’ibwak)
~ kokoe iv. be an emergency (health)
~ va’ak iv. be watery, thin
~ vahti n. first harp and violin tuning used during a pahko (cf. kompaniya, partiyo)
unompo adv. (at) one o’clock
uppa tv. lift a baby
uppala interj. oof, upsy-daisy (in lifting a baby)
urnia n. bier
usi mukila pahko n. child’s funeral
usi yeu yoemtu n. childbirth
usira n. children (as a group)
usiteeve n. child (tall)
usituwame n. childhood
usyol(i) adj. beautiful (s.; = uhyoi); yo huya aniwapo ~ machi hekamak (s.), in the enchanted
wilderness world, beautiful in the dawn wind
usyolisi adv. beautifully (s. ; = ~ vaiwa sola voyoka (s.), beautifully you lie laden with dew
ute adv. fast
utte’a n. strength
sa ~ exp. why is it necessary, is it absolutely necessary; Sa utte’a enchi aman wéenepo?” Why is
is necessary for you to go there?
~ weye iv. speed
uttea’awa n. power, strength; peloteo ~, the ball player’s strength; motor ~, the motor’s strength
utte’ak iv. be strong (re: inanimates; pst. ~an, ~-, u’utte’a); cf. u’ute
utte’am n. cramp
utte’apo adv. by force (ex.: ~a nunu’e, take by force)
utte’esea tv. esteem, like someone very much (~-)
utte’esia adv. strongly; Dios enchi hiokoe ~. Thank you (sg. addressee). Dios enchim hiokoe ~.
Thank you (pl. addressee).
utte’ewa iv. have strength, be strong (re: animates); cf. utte’ak, u’ute)
utte(a) adv. 1. fast rapidly (used with inanimates; cf. chumtia) 2. strongly; U kaaro utte weye. The
car is going fast.
uttia tv. 1. be proud of 2. to become one, look good on one (~-, u’uttia); Aapo ehkuelapo ~. S/he
looks good in school. Ume supem hamuttat ~. The dress looks good on the woman. A ne ~n. I was
proud of her/him. ~ si aane. S/he’s doing something that people will be proud of. Hose au ~
tekipanoakai. Joe is proud of himself because he is working. Vahim huvek kialikun tu’isi au ~. He
has three wives and is proud of himself.
uttiawame n. pride
uttisi(a) adv. extremely; Juan ~ tekipanoa. John is really quite a worker.
uuli n. rubber
uura dv. take away from someone (u’á-, u”ura; cf. u’a); Aapo livrom a ~k. S/he took the book(s)
away from her/him.
uuse tv. father a child (uusi-, u’use)
uusi n. child, son (male speaking)
uusi hamut n. preteen girl
uusi yo’owe n. child (older)
uusira n. children, youth, young people
uuva n. grape
uva iv. wash one’s self, bathe (uvá’a-, u’uva; s. yuva)
uva wiroa n. grapevine
uva’ala iv. bathed
uvva tv. bathe, wash someone (~-, u’uvva); kovata ~, wash someone’s hair