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The Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Program

Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Program

The Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Program (DPTP), funded under the Special Diabetes Program for Indians by the Indian Health Service since 1998, aims to reduce the prevalence of diabetes for the PYT and reduce complications of uncontrolled diabetes among community members. The program provides a broad range of preventative services including health education, health promotion, care coordination, nutrition counseling, community screening, and outreach activities.

The mission of the Pascua Yaqui Diabetes Prevention & Treatment Program (DPTP) is to nurture and sustain the cultural longevity of the tribe through offering outreach, physical, mental, and emotional support to empower all community members to strive for a healthier lifestyle through diabetes education, management, and prevention.

The Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Program (DPTP), funded under the Special Diabetes Program for Indians by the Indian Health Service since 1998, aims to reduce the prevalence of diabetes for the PYT and reduce complications of uncontrolled diabetes among community members.

The program provides a broad range of preventative services including health education, health promotion, care coordination, nutrition counseling, community screening and outreach activities. The key focus of the program is to provide community based, diabetes-related education; including nutrition, physical activity, and fitness to enable individuals to prevent, or better manage, diabetes. These programs are delivered through the PYT Wellness Center and the Outreach team who work closely with many program partners to engage with community members.

Program activities include:

  1. Individual and Group Education: The Community Dietitian and outreach workers deliver culturally relevant, evidenced based education in one-on-one and group settings for at-risk individuals in community and worksite settings. Referrals are received from El Rio clinic providers, other tribal health program partners (such as Community Health Nursing and Centered Spirit Programs), and by self-referral. Healthy cooking classes and food demonstrations are incorporated into educational activities. Activities and events are promoted through a variety of methods including flyers, the tribal web-page, employee intranet, the DPTP Facebook page, the Welcome Center and other gathering places and on KPYT- Yaqui Radio weekly radio spots.
    See full schedule

  2. Nutrition counseling: The Community Dietitian is a Registered Dietitian as well as a certified diabetes educator who works closely with the El Rio Health Center providers, via referrals, to provide individual education sessions to clients who are attending a regularly scheduled Primary Care Provider, Clinical Pharmacy appointment, or behavioral health program. Referral, follow-up, and treatment protocols will be reviewed and refined to ensure clients receive relevant services.

  3. Coordination of Care for Diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals Outreach workers provide follow up diabetes-related education and support services to individuals referred to the program, both in the home and community setting. They assess the client’s needs for educational services, deliver individual education and funnel them into group classes where appropriate. They also provide blood glucose and cholesterol screening, patient escorts, blood sugar and blood pressure monitoring and care coordination for clients.

  4. Diabetes Awareness Community Events: The DPTP hold numerous diabetes awareness and screening events throughout the year in collaboration with other tribal departments and entities. Community events include physical activities, healthy eating/nutrition, and diabetes education, delivered using interactive and culturally appropriate methods. Community screening for random blood sugars, A1C’s and cholesterol is also available at many events.
    Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Program – November 2017 – January 2018

  5. Wellness Activities: Fitness and recreation physical activity and personal fitness is promoted through the PYT Wellness Center to encourage individuals to stay within a healthy weight range and reduce risk factors for diabetes. Several programs target children and youth, including after-school programs.

  6. Partnership development and coalition building: Collaboration with other Pascua Yaqui Tribal departments occurs regularly to engage with all segments of the community to provide diabetes education.

  7. School-based initiatives: Ongoing collaboration exists between the Wellness Center, outreach staff, and schools to offer physical activity and nutrition education to children and youth in school settings.

  8. Policy, Systems, and Environment Changes: DPTP is an active participant in community coalitions to effect policy level changes such as the Good Health and Wellness Coalition.

In addition to programs and services for tribal and community members, the DPTP offers programs for tribal employees. For more information click here.

El Tour de Tucson – PYT

This program logo was designed with a specific message that represents the Yaqui people.

According to artist: Mr. Jose Morillo; The Hand itself – represents “the People” – all our people in all communities.

It also speaks to our health and wellbeing that is largely, is in our own hands. “Enchy mampo tawak”- an expression in the hiaki language which translates to: “It’s in your hands”

The Hand is a reminder to us of the importance of checking our blood sugar levels and knowing our A1C number to keep our blood sugars in the normal range.
The Colors represent the Yaqui Flag.
The Heart (Hiapse) refers to love.
The Cross represents our faith – that reassures us we will be okay, even when we have diabetes.
The rose: Flower/Sewa- representing the flower world- Sewailo. Contains love for the people.
Clouds- the heavens.
Culture and tradition at center of healthy people.
Hummingbird – bringing peace and blessings to us from Sewailo
Ribbons – are the connections and ties we have to each other that support and bring us together

Education & Outreach


RD Nutritional Consultation


  • Adapted Prevent T2 (12 weeks)
  • Conversation Maps (4 sessions)
  • Cooking demos
  • Menu planning
  • Shopping tours
  • Support groups

Screening and education:

  • Community events
  • Employee Wellness
  • Senior Centers

Other services:

  • CATCH program
  • Diabetes Awareness month events
  • Egg program-Dialysis patients
  • Kids Summer camp
  • Spiritual Walks
Physical Activity

Boxing Program
Community fun runs/walks
Dance fitness classes
Fitness assessments
Group training in the fitness room
Powerlifting program
Spin classes
Weight Loss Challenge (New You)

Community Events

Team Yaqui – El Tour De Tucson
Community fun runs/walks